h5-指標は過去5年間に発表された論文の h-指数です。h の中でも最大値であり、2023〜2019 に発表された h 論文はどれにおいても必ず h 引用があります。非表示
出版用の h5-中央値は h5-指標を構成する記事の引用の中央値数です。非表示
1.Studies in Higher Education81111
2.Higher Education71110
3.Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education65102
4.Higher Education Research & Development5986
5.Teaching in Higher Education5083
6.Journal of Further and Higher Education4974
7.Journal of Diversity in Higher Education4783
8.Innovations in Education and Teaching International4257
9.Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education4153
10.Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice4058
11.Journal of College Student Development3958
12.The Review of Higher Education3958
13.Research in Higher Education3868
14.Journal of International Students3761
15.The Journal of Higher Education3756
16.Journal of Studies in International Education3654
17.Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management3560
18.Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice3461
19.Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning3357
20.Journal of Marketing for Higher Education3353
日付と引用数は、コンピュータ プログラムによって自動的に推定されたものです。