Adrien Le Coënt
SOS: safe, optimal and small strategies for hybrid Markov decision processes
P Ashok, J Křetínský, KG Larsen, A Le Coënt, JH Taankvist, M Weininger
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 16th International Conference, QEST 2019 …, 2019
Control synthesis of nonlinear sampled switched systems using Euler's method
AL Coënt, F De Vuyst, L Chamoin, L Fribourg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.03102, 2017
Distributed synthesis of state-dependent switching control
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg, N Markey, F De Vuyst, L Chamoin
International Workshop on Reachability Problems, 119-133, 2016
An improved algorithm for the control synthesis of nonlinear sampled switched systems
A Le Coënt, J Alexandre dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot, L Fribourg
Formal Methods in System Design 53, 363-383, 2018
Guaranteed Control Synthesis for Continuous Systems in Uppaal Tiga
KG Larsen, A Le Coënt, M Mikučionis, JH Taankvist
Cyber Physical Systems. Model-Based Design: 8th International Workshop …, 2019
Distributed control synthesis using Euler’s method
A Le Coënt, J Alexandre dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot, L Fribourg, ...
Reachability Problems: 11th International Workshop, RP 2017, London, UK …, 2017
Control of nonlinear switched systems based on validated simulation
A Le Coënt, JA dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot, L Fribourg
2016 International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for …, 2016
Guaranteed optimal reachability control of reaction-diffusion equations using one-sided Lipschitz constants and model reduction
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg
International Workshop on Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Cyber Physical …, 2019
Explicit solution format for complex-valued natural frequency of beam with R-shunted piezoelectric laminate transducer
J Høgsberg, AL Cöent
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2014
Compositional synthesis of state-dependent switching control
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg, N Markey, F De Vuyst, L Chamoin
Theoretical Computer Science 750, 53-68, 2018
Control of mechanical systems using set based methods
A Le Coënt, F De Vuyst, C Rey, L Chamoin, L Fribourg
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 5, 496-512, 2017
Compositional analysis of Boolean networks using local fixed-point iterations
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg, R Soulat
Reachability Problems: 10th International Workshop, RP 2016, Aalborg …, 2016
Guaranteed control of switched control systems using model order reduction and state-space bisection
A Le Coënt, F De Vuyst, C Rey, L Chamoin, L Fribourg
2nd International Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP'15)(2015), 2015
Guaranteed control of sampled switched systems using semi-Lagrangian schemes and one-sided Lipschitz constants
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg
2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 599-604, 2019
Guaranteed control synthesis for switched space-time dynamical systems
A Le Coënt
Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2017
Guaranteed master for interval-based cosimulation
A Le Coënt, J Alexandre dit Sandretto, A Chapoutot
Software and Systems Modeling 20 (3), 711-724, 2021
Bayesian Networks as Approximations of Biochemical Networks
A Le Coënt, B Barbot, N Pekergin, C Güzeliş
European Workshop on Performance Engineering, 216-233, 2023
Control synthesis for stochastic switched systems using the tamed euler method
A Le Coënt, L Fribourg, J Vacher
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (16), 259-264, 2018
Efficient probabilistic inference in biochemical networks
A Le Coënt, B Barbot, N Pekergin
Computers in Biology and Medicine 183, 109280, 2024
Formal stabilization of a coupled ODE-PDE switched system
A Le Coënt, J Vacher, K Kergrene
論文 1–20