PERK EIF2AK3 control of pancreatic β cell differentiation and proliferation is required for postnatal glucose homeostasis W Zhang, D Feng, Y Li, K Iida, B McGrath, DR Cavener Cell metabolism 4 (6), 491-497, 2006 | 356 | 2006 |
A test of translational selection at ‘silent’sites in the human genome: base composition comparisons in alternatively spliced genes K Iida, H Akashi Gene 261 (1), 93-105, 2000 | 122 | 2000 |
PERK eIF2 alpha kinase is required to regulate the viability of the exocrine pancreas in mice K Iida, Y Li, BC McGrath, A Frank, DR Cavener BMC cell biology 8 (1), 1-16, 2007 | 111 | 2007 |
Expansion and evolution of insect GMC oxidoreductases K Iida, DL Cox-Foster, X Yang, WY Ko, DR Cavener BMC Evolutionary Biology 7 (1), 1-12, 2007 | 84 | 2007 |
‘The industry must be inconspicuous’: Japan Tobacco’s corruption of science and health policy via the Smoking Research Foundation K Iida, RN Proctor Tobacco Control 27 (e1), e3-e11, 2018 | 73 | 2018 |
Glucose dehydrogenase is required for normal sperm storage and utilization in female Drosophila melanogaster K Iida, DR Cavener Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (4), 675-681, 2004 | 66 | 2004 |
PERK eIF2α kinase regulates neonatal growth by controlling the expression of circulating insulin-like growth factor-I derived from the liver Y Li, K Iida, J O’Neil, P Zhang, S Li, A Frank, A Gabai, F Zambito, ... Endocrinology 144 (8), 3505-3513, 2003 | 62 | 2003 |
Learning from Philip Morris: Japan Tobacco's strategies regarding evidence of tobacco health harms as revealed in internal documents from the American tobacco industry K Iida, RN Proctor The Lancet 363 (9423), 1820-1824, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Practice and politics in Japanese science: Hitoshi Kihara and the formation of a genetics discipline K Iida Journal of the History of Biology 43, 529-570, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |
A controversial idea as a cultural resource: the Lysenko controversy and discussions of genetics as a ‘democratic’science in postwar Japan K Iida Social studies of science 45 (4), 546-569, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Genetics and “breeding as a science”: Kihara Hitoshi and the development of genetics in Japan in the first half of the twentieth century K Iida New perspectives on the history of life sciences and agriculture, 439-458, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
研究者育成における 「科学と社会」 教育の取り組み: 総合研究大学院大学の事例から (< 特集> 研究開発における学際性) 標葉隆馬, 飯田香穂里, 中尾央, 菊池好行, 見上公一, 伊藤憲二, ... 研究 技術 計画 29 (2_3), 90-105, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Introduction: Transformation of East Asian scientific community through wartime to the Cold War: Cases from the bioscience fields. K IIDA Historia Scientiarum 30 (3), 135-137, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Postwar Reconstruction of Japanese Genetics: Kihara Hitoshi and the Rockefeller Foundation Rice Project in Cold War Asia K Iida Historia Scientiarum 30 (3), 176-194, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Peaceful atoms in Japan: Radioisotopes as shared technical and sociopolitical resources for the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission and the Japanese scientific community in the 1950s K Iida Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Atomic Bomb Survivor Studies and their Current Significance: Comparison between the Practices of the ABCC-RERF and the RIRBM A Kubota, K Iida, S Tashiro Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences 69 (1), 1-8, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
『客観性』 とその先: 本草図譜研究を通して考える日本の客観性 飯田香穂里 生物学史研究= The Japanese journal of the history of biology/『生物学史研究 …, 2023 | | 2023 |
無知の大海に目を凝らす: 一九五〇年代の生物学的知の軌跡 飯田香穂里 現代思想 51 (7), 74-82, 2023 | | 2023 |
『アグノトロジー』 を振り返る: 科学史の中の" 無知研究" のこれまでとこれから 飯田香穂里 科学史研究.[第 V 期]= Journal of history of science, Japan.[Series V]/日本 …, 2022 | | 2022 |
1950 年代の 「平和の原⼦」 ラジオアイソトープ: 原爆傷害調査委員会と⽇ 本の科学者コミュニティー双⽅ の科学的・政治社会的資源として 飯田香穂里 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2020 | | 2020 |