Florent Di Meglio
Florent Di Meglio
Mines Paris - PSL
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Stabilization of a System of Coupled First-Order Hyperbolic Linear PDEs With a Single Boundary Input
F Di Meglio, R Vazquez, M Krstic
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (12), 3097-3111, 2013
Control of homodirectional and general heterodirectional linear coupled hyperbolic PDEs
L Hu, F Di Meglio, R Vazquez, M Krstic
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (11), 3301-3314, 2015
Stabilization of coupled linear heterodirectional hyperbolic PDE–ODE systems
F Di Meglio, FB Argomedo, L Hu, M Krstic
Automatica 87, 281-289, 2018
Minimum time control of heterodirectional linear coupled hyperbolic PDEs
J Auriol, F Di Meglio
Automatica 71, 300-307, 2016
Boundary exponential stabilization of 1-dimensional inhomogeneous quasi-linear hyperbolic systems
L Hu, R Vazquez, FD Meglio, M Krstic
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 57 (2), 963-998, 2019
Backstepping and flatness approaches for stabilization of the stick-slip phenomenon for drilling
C Sagert, F Di Meglio, M Krstic, P Rouchon
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (2), 779-784, 2013
Delay-robust control design for two heterodirectional linear coupled hyperbolic PDEs
J Auriol, UJF Aarsnes, P Martin, F Di Meglio
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (10), 3551-3557, 2018
A first principle model for multiphase slugging flow in vertical risers
F Di Meglio, GO Kaasa, N Petit
Proceedings of the 48h IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) held …, 2009
Stabilization of slugging in oil production facilities with or without upstream pressure sensors
F Di Meglio, N Petit, V Alstad, GO Kaasa
Journal of Process Control 22 (4), 809-822, 2012
Delay-robust stabilization of a hyperbolic PDE–ODE system
J Auriol, F Bribiesca-Argomedo, DB Saba, M Di Loreto, F Di Meglio
Automatica 95, 494-502, 2018
Dynamics and control of slugging in oil production
F Di Meglio
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011
A distributed parameter systems view of control problems in drilling
F Di Meglio, UJF Aarsnes
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (6), 272-278, 2015
An adaptive observer for hyperbolic systems with application to underbalanced drilling
F Di Meglio, D Bresch-Pietri, UJF Aarsnes
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 11391-11397, 2014
An explicit mapping from linear first order hyperbolic PDEs to difference systems
J Auriol, F Di Meglio
Systems & Control Letters 123, 144-150, 2019
Avoiding stick slip vibrations in drilling through startup trajectory design
UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio, RJ Shor
Journal of Process Control 70, 24-35, 2018
Control-oriented drift-flux modeling of single and two-phase flow for drilling
UJF Aarsnes, F Di Meglio, S Evje, OM Aamo
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 46209, V003T37A003, 2014
A simplified two-phase flow model using a quasi-equilibrium momentum balance
UJF Aarsnes, A Ambrus, F Di Meglio, AK Vajargah, OM Aamo, E van Oort
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 83, 77-85, 2016
Robust output feedback stabilization for two heterodirectional linear coupled hyperbolic PDEs
J Auriol, F Di Meglio
Automatica 115, 108896, 2020
Stability Analysis of a Linear Hyperbolic System With a Sampled-Data Controller via Backstepping Method and Looped-Functionals
MA Davó, D Bresch-Pietri, C Prieur, F Di Meglio
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1718-1725, 2018
Boundary estimation of boundary parameters for linear hyperbolic PDEs
M Bin, F Di Meglio
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 3890-3904, 2016
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