Life cycle analysis in the construction sector: Guiding the optimization of conventional Italian buildings F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri, V Fthenakis Energy and Buildings 64, 73-89, 2013 | 460 | 2013 |
Benchmarks for environmental impact of housing in Europe: Definition of archetypes and LCA of the residential building stock M Lavagna, C Baldassarri, A Campioli, S Giorgi, A Dalla Valle, ... Building and Environment 145, 260-275, 2018 | 206 | 2018 |
Energy simulation and LCA for macro-scale analysis of eco-innovations in the housing stock K Allacker, V Castellani, G Baldinelli, F Bianchi, C Baldassarri, S Sala The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24, 989-1008, 2019 | 72 | 2019 |
Energy and environmental performance optimization of a wooden window: A holistic approach G Baldinelli, F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri, F Bianchi, F D’Alessandro, ... Energy and buildings 79, 114-131, 2014 | 72 | 2014 |
Evaluation of Green Buildings’ Overall Performance through in Situ Monitoring and Simulations F Asdrubali, C Buratti, F Cotana, G Baldinelli, M Goretti, E Moretti, ... Energies 6 (12), 6525-6547, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Uncertainty in LCA: An estimation of practitioner-related effects F Scrucca, C Baldassarri, G Baldinelli, E Bonamente, S Rinaldi, A Rotili, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 268, 122304, 2020 | 59 | 2020 |
Consumer footprint: Basket of products indicator on housing C Baldassarri, K Allacker, F Reale, V Castellani, S Sala Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Integration of environmental aspects into R&D inter-organizational projects management: application of a life cycle-based method to the development of innovative windows C Baldassarri, F Mathieux, F Ardente, C Wehmann, K Deese Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 3388-3401, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Environmental and spatial assessment for the ecodesign of a cladding system with embedded Phase Change Materials C Baldassarri, S Sala, A Caverzan, ML Tornaghi Energy and Buildings 156, 374-389, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Energy and emissions analysis of next generation electrochromic devices C Baldassarri, A Shehabi, F Asdrubali, E Masanet Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 156, 170-181, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Analisi ed ottimizzazione energetico-ambientale di un edificio mediante la valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA) F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, M Battisti, C Baldassarri 8° Congresso Nazionale CIRIAF, 355-360, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Using life cycle based environmental assessment in developing innovative multi-functional glass-polymer windows K Allacker, M Calero, F Mathieux, C Baldassarri SB13 Graz Sustainable Buildings, Construction Products & Technologies-Full …, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Life Cycle Assessment of buildings and electric lighting energy consumptions F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, C Baldassarri Proceedings of CIE Conference “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency", 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Comparative analysis of solar power technologies through life cycle assessment approach F Asdrubali, B Baldinelli, A Presciutti, C Baldassarri, F Scrucca Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy, Life Cycle Assessment, and …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Evaluation of the optimal geometry of air cooled condensers for concentrated solar power plants through the LCA approach F Asdrubali, G Baldinelli, C Baldassarri, F Scrucca 3rd International ELCAS3 Proceedings, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Contribution of windows to the overall building environmental performances C Baldassarri, F Ardente, F Mathieux, M Oates Brussels, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Electric lighting energy consumptions of buildings and consequences in life cycle assessment F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri International symposium “LCA and construction”, Nantes, France, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Energy andemissionsanalysisofnextgeneration electrochromicdevices C Baldassarri, A Shehabi, F Asdrubali, M Eric | | 2016 |
Il processo di progettazione illuminotecnica A Bargone, F Asdrubali, C Baldassarri Qualità globale dell'ambiente interno, 231-240, 2014 | | 2014 |
L’analisi del ciclo di vita degli edifici esistenti F Asdrubali, F Scrucca, C Baldassarri IL PROGETTO SOSTENIBILE 33, 72-79, 2013 | | 2013 |