Norbert Stoop
Norbert Stoop
ETH Zurich
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Cited by
Curvature-induced symmetry breaking determines elastic surface patterns
N Stoop, R Lagrange, D Terwagne, PM Reis, J Dunkel
Nature materials 14 (3), 337-342, 2015
Bimodal rheotactic behavior reflects flagellar beat asymmetry in human sperm cells
A Bukatin, I Kukhtevich, N Stoop, J Dunkel, V Kantsler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (52), 15904-15909, 2015
Actomyosin-based tissue folding requires a multicellular myosin gradient
NC Heer, PW Miller, S Chanet, N Stoop, J Dunkel, AC Martin
Development 144 (10), 1876-1886, 2017
Curvature-induced instabilities of shells
M Pezzulla, N Stoop, MP Steranka, AJ Bade, DP Holmes
Physical review letters 120 (4), 048002, 2018
Packing of elastic wires in spherical cavities
N Stoop, J Najafi, FK Wittel, M Habibi, HJ Herrmann
Physical review letters 106 (21), 214102, 2011
Morphological phases of crumpled wire
N Stoop, FK Wittel, HJ Herrmann
Physical review letters 101 (9), 094101, 2008
Curvature-controlled defect localization in elastic surface crystals
FL Jiménez, N Stoop, R Lagrange, J Dunkel, PM Reis
Physical review letters 116 (10), 104301, 2016
Inverse design of discrete mechanical metamaterials
H Ronellenfitsch, N Stoop, J Yu, A Forrow, J Dunkel
Physical Review Materials 3 (9), 095201, 2019
Curvature-driven morphing of non-Euclidean shells
M Pezzulla, N Stoop, X Jiang, DP Holmes
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
Self-contact and instabilities in the anisotropic growth of elastic membranes
N Stoop, FK Wittel, MB Amar, MM Müller, HJ Herrmann
Physical review letters 105 (6), 068101, 2010
Subdivision shell elements with anisotropic growth
R Vetter, N Stoop, T Jenni, FK Wittel, HJ Herrmann
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 95 (9), 791-810, 2013
Geometry of wave propagation on active deformable surfaces
PW Miller, N Stoop, J Dunkel
Physical review letters 120 (26), 268001, 2018
Fluid membrane vesicles in confinement
O Kahraman, N Stoop, MM Müller
New Journal of Physics 14 (9), 095021, 2012
Controlling fracture cascades through twisting and quenching
RH Heisser, VP Patil, N Stoop, E Villermaux, J Dunkel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (35), 8665-8670, 2018
Finite element simulation of dense wire packings
R Vetter, FK Wittel, N Stoop, HJ Herrmann
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 37, 160-171, 2013
Morphogenesis of membrane invaginations in spherical confinement
O Kahraman, N Stoop, MM Müller
Europhysics Letters 97 (6), 68008, 2012
Entropic effects in cell lineage tree packings
J Imran Alsous, P Villoutreix, N Stoop, SY Shvartsman, J Dunkel
Nature physics 14 (10), 1016-1021, 2018
Biophysical parameters modification could overcome essential hearing gaps
A Kern, C Heid, WH Steeb, N Stoop, R Stoop
PLoS computational biology 4 (8), e1000161, 2008
Complexity of dynamics as variability of predictability
R Stoop, N Stoop, L Bunimovich
Journal of statistical physics 114, 1127-1137, 2004
Natural computation measured as a reduction of complexity
R Stoop, N Stoop
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 14 (3), 675-679, 2004
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Articles 1–20