i-LAND: an interactive landscape for creativity and innovation NA Streitz, J Geißler, T Holmer, S Konomi, C Müller-Tomfelde, W Reischl, ... Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 1999 | 955 | 1999 |
Multimedia: computing, communications and applications R Steinmetz, K Nahrstedt Pearson Education India, 2012 | 938 | 2012 |
A media synchronization survey: Reference model, specification, and case studies G Blakowski, R Steinmetz IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 14 (1), 5-35, 1996 | 852 | 1996 |
Peer-to-peer systems and applications R Steinmetz, K Wehrle Springer, 2005 | 794 | 2005 |
Human perception of jitter and media synchronization R Steinmetz IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 14 (1), 61-72, 1996 | 694 | 1996 |
Synchronization properties in multimedia systems R Steinmetz IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 8 (3), 401-412, 1990 | 613 | 1990 |
Multimedia-Technologie: Grundlagen, Komponenten und Systeme R Steinmetz Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 441 | 2013 |
Heuristics for QoS-aware web service composition R Berbner, M Spahn, N Repp, O Heckmann, R Steinmetz 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 72-82, 2006 | 386 | 2006 |
On the accuracy of appliance identification based on distributed load metering data A Reinhardt, P Baumann, D Burgstahler, M Hollick, H Chonov, M Werner, ... 2012 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 1-9, 2012 | 358 | 2012 |
Connectables: dynamic coupling of displays for the flexible creation of shared workspaces P Tandler, T Prante, C Müller-Tomfelde, N Streitz, R Steinmetz Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 2001 | 343 | 2001 |
Serious games for health: personalized exergames S Göbel, S Hardy, V Wendel, F Mehm, R Steinmetz Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1663-1666, 2010 | 330 | 2010 |
Resource management in networked multimedia systems K Nahrstedt, R Steinmetz Ieee Computer 28 (5), 52-63, 1995 | 316 | 1995 |
Content-based digital signature for motion pictures authentication and content-fragile watermarking J Dittmann, A Steinmetz, R Steinmetz Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and …, 1999 | 276 | 1999 |
Wireless sensor networks and the internet of things: selected challenges D Christin, A Reinhardt, PS Mogre, R Steinmetz Proceedings of the 8th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose sensornetze, 31-34, 2009 | 266 | 2009 |
Biometric hash based on statistical features of online signatures C Vielhauer, R Steinmetz, A Mayerhofer 2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 123-126, 2002 | 259 | 2002 |
Multimedia systems R Steinmetz, K Nahrstedt Springer Science & Business Media, 2004 | 192 | 2004 |
Analyzing the multimedia operating system R Steinmetz IEEE MultiMedia 2 (1), 68-84, 1995 | 192 | 1995 |
Robust MPEG video watermarking technologies J Dittmann, M Stabenau, R Steinmetz Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 71-80, 1998 | 186 | 1998 |
Ontology enrichment with texts from the WWW A Faatz, R Steinmetz Semantic Web Mining 20, 2002 | 179 | 2002 |
Research challenges in QoS routing X Masip-Bruin, M Yannuzzi, J Domingo-Pascual, A Fonte, M Curado, ... Computer communications 29 (5), 563-581, 2006 | 178 | 2006 |