Ahmed El-Geneidy
Ahmed El-Geneidy
Professor, School of Urban Planning, McGill University
確認したメール アドレス: mcgill.ca - ホームページ
How land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: Evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal
A Faghih-Imani, N Eluru, AM El-Geneidy, M Rabbat, U Haq
Journal of transport geography 41, 306-314, 2014
Towards equitable transit: examining transit accessibility and social need in Toronto, Canada, 1996–2006
N Foth, K Manaugh, AM El-Geneidy
Journal of transport geography 29, 1-10, 2013
The happy commuter: A comparison of commuter satisfaction across modes
E St-Louis, K Manaugh, D van Lierop, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 26, 160-170, 2014
The cost of equity: Assessing transit accessibility and social disparity using total travel cost
A El-Geneidy, D Levinson, E Diab, G Boisjoly, D Verbich, C Loong
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 91, 302-316, 2016
Measuring non-motorized accessibility: issues, alternatives, and execution
M Iacono, KJ Krizek, A El-Geneidy
Journal of Transport Geography 18 (1), 133-140, 2010
Better understanding of factors influencing likelihood of using shared bicycle systems and frequency of use
J Bachand-Marleau, BHY Lee, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Record 2314 (1), 66-71, 2012
Validating walkability indices: How do different households respond to the walkability of their neighborhood?
K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 16 (4), 309-315, 2011
What influences satisfaction and loyalty in public transport? A review of the literature
D Van Lierop, MG Badami, AM El-Geneidy
Transport Reviews 38 (1), 52-72, 2018
New evidence on walking distances to transit stops: Identifying redundancies and gaps using variable service areas
A El-Geneidy, M Grimsrud, R Wasfi, P Tétreault, J Surprenant-Legault
Transportation 41, 193-210, 2014
Access to destinations: Development of accessibility measures
AM El-Geneidy, DM Levinson
Integrating social equity into urban transportation planning: A critical evaluation of equity objectives and measures in transportation plans in North America
K Manaugh, MG Badami, AM El-Geneidy
Transport policy 37, 167-176, 2015
The link between built environment, pedestrian activity and pedestrian–vehicle collision occurrence at signalized intersections
LF Miranda-Moreno, P Morency, AM El-Geneidy
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1624-1634, 2011
Models of transportation and land use change: A guide to the territory
M Iacono, D Levinson, A El-Geneidy
Journal of Planning Literature 22 (4), 323-340, 2008
Enjoying loyalty: The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in public transit
D Van Lierop, A El-Geneidy
Research in Transportation Economics 59, 50-59, 2016
How to get there? A critical assessment of accessibility objectives and indicators in metropolitan transportation plans
G Boisjoly, AM El-Geneidy
Transport Policy 55, 38-50, 2017
Segmenting preferences and habits of transit users and non-users
KJ Krizek, A El-Geneidy
Journal of public transportation 10 (3), 71-94, 2007
Cycling under influence: summarizing the influence of perceptions, attitudes, habits, and social environments on cycling for transportation
DP Willis, K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9 (8), 565-579, 2015
Am stressed, must travel: The relationship between mode choice and commuting stress
A Legrain, N Eluru, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 34, 141-151, 2015
A travel behavior analysis of urban cycling facilities in Montréal, Canada
J Larsen, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 16 (2), 172-177, 2011
The effect of neighbourhood characteristics, accessibility, home–work location, and demographics on commuting distances
K Manaugh, LF Miranda-Moreno, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation 37, 627-646, 2010
論文 1–20