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Spin-relaxation anisotropy in asymmetrical (001) quantum wells from Hanle-effect measurements: Relative strengths of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin …
NS Averkiev, LE Golub, AS Gurevich, VP Evtikhiev, VP Kochereshko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (3), 033305, 2006
Exciton oscillator strength in magnetic-field-induced spin superlattices CdTe/(Cd, Mn) Te
EL Ivchenko, AV Kavokin, VP Kochereshko, GR Posina, IN Uraltsev, ...
Physical Review B 46 (12), 7713, 1992
Binding energy of charged excitons in ZnSe-based quantum wells
GV Astakhov, DR Yakovlev, VP Kochereshko, W Ossau, W Faschinger, ...
Physical Review B 65 (16), 165335, 2002
Combined exciton-cyclotron resonance in quantum well structures
DR Yakovlev, VP Kochereshko, RA Suris, H Schenk, W Ossau, A Waag, ...
Physical review letters 79 (20), 3974, 1997
Charged excitons in ZnSe-based quantum wells
GV Astakhov, DR Yakovlev, VP Kochereshko, W Ossau, J Nürnberger, ...
Physical Review B 60 (12), R8485, 1999
Exciton longitudinal-transverse splitting in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices and multiple quantum wells
EL Ivchenko, VP Kochereshko, PS Kop'Ev, VA Kosobukin, IN Uraltsev, ...
Solid state communications 70 (5), 529-534, 1989
Excitons and Trions Modified by Interaction with a Two‐Dimensional Electron Gas
RA Suris, VP Kochereshko, GV Astakhov, DR Yakovlev, W Ossau, ...
physica status solidi (b) 227 (2), 343-352, 2001
Giant electro-optical anisotropy in type-II heterostructures
AV Platonov, VP Kochereshko, EL Ivchenko, GV Mikhailov, DR Yakovlev, ...
Physical review letters 83 (17), 3546, 1999
Oscillator strength of trion states in ZnSe-based quantum wells
GV Astakhov, VP Kochereshko, DR Yakovlev, W Ossau, J Nürnberger, ...
Physical Review B 62 (15), 10345, 2000
Optical method for the determination of carrier density in modulation-doped quantum wells
GV Astakhov, VP Kochereshko, DR Yakovlev, W Ossau, J Nürnberger, ...
Physical Review B 65 (11), 115310, 2002
Quantized states in heterostructures and the model of polarized homogeneous quantum wells
C Wetzel, T Takeuchi, H Amano, I Akasaki
Physical Review B 62 (20), R13302, 2000
Motional enhancement of exciton magnetic moments in zinc-blende semiconductors
JJ Davies, D Wolverson, VP Kochereshko, AV Platonov, RT Cox, J Cibert, ...
Physical review letters 97 (18), 187403, 2006
Resonance optical spectroscopy of long-period quantum-well structures
EL Ivchenko, VP Kochereshko, AV Platonov, DR Yakovlev, A Waag, ...
Physics of the Solid State 39, 1852-1858, 1997
Giant exciton resonance reflectance in Bragg MQW structures
VP Kochereshko, GR Pozina, EL Ivchenko, DR Yakovlev, A Waag, ...
Superlattices and microstructures 15 (4), 471-473, 1994
Singlet and triplet trion states in high magnetic fields: Photoluminescence and reflectivity spectra of modulation-doped quantum wells
D Andronikov, V Kochereshko, A Platonov, T Barrick, SA Crooker, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (16), 165339, 2005
Orientation of chemical bonds at type-II heterointerfaces probed by polarized optical spectroscopy
DR Yakovlev, EL Ivchenko, VP Kochereshko, AV Platonov, SV Zaitsev, ...
Physical Review B 61 (4), R2421, 2000
Optical study of GaAs quantum dots embedded into AlGaAs nanowires
VN Kats, VP Kochereshko, AV Platonov, TV Chizhova, GE Cirlin, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 27 (1), 015009, 2011
Magnetic-field-effects on photoluminescence polarization in type II GaAs/AlAs superlattices
EL Ivchenko, VP Kochereshko, AY Naumov, IN Uraltsev, P Lavallard
Superlattices and microstructures 10 (4), 497-501, 1991
Negatively charged excitons and the optical properties of modulation-doped quantum wells
K Kheng, RT Cox, VP Kochereshko, K Saminadayar, S Tatarenko, ...
Superlattices and microstructures 15 (3), 253, 1994
Motion-dependent magnetic properties of excitons in CdTe
LC Smith, JJ Davies, D Wolverson, S Crampin, RT Cox, J Cibert, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (8), 085204, 2008
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