Iosif Pappas
Cited by
Cited by
Integrating deep learning models and multiparametric programming
J Katz, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos
Computers & Chemical Engineering 136, 106801, 2020
A systematic framework for the synthesis of operable process intensification systems–reactive separation systems
Y Tian, I Pappas, B Burnak, J Katz, EN Pistikopoulos
Computers & Chemical Engineering 134, 106675, 2020
Multiparametric programming in process systems engineering: Recent developments and path forward
I Pappas, D Kenefake, B Burnak, S Avraamidou, HS Ganesh, J Katz, ...
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 2, 620168, 2021
Simultaneous design & control of a reactive distillation system–a parametric optimization & control approach
Y Tian, I Pappas, B Burnak, J Katz, EN Pistikopoulos
Chemical Engineering Science 230, 116232, 2021
The exact solution of multiparametric quadratically constrained quadratic programming problems
I Pappas, NA Diangelakis, EN Pistikopoulos
Journal of Global Optimization 79 (1), 59-85, 2021
Integrated modeling of transfer learning and intelligent heuristic optimization for a steam cracking process
K Bi, B Beykal, S Avraamidou, I Pappas, EN Pistikopoulos, T Qiu
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 59 (37), 16357-16367, 2020
On multiparametric/explicit nmpc for quadratically constrained problems
NA Diangelakis, IS Pappas, EN Pistikopoulos
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (20), 400-405, 2018
The integration of explicit MPC and ReLU based neural networks
J Katz, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 11350-11355, 2020
Multiparametric/explicit nonlinear model predictive control for quadratically constrained problems
I Pappas, NA Diangelakis, EN Pistikopoulos
Journal of Process Control 103, 55-66, 2021
DigiGlyc: A hybrid tool for reactive scheduling in cell culture systems
P Kotidis, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos, C Kontoravdi, ...
Computers & Chemical Engineering 154, 107460, 2021
Multiobjective optimization of mixed-integer linear programming problems: a multiparametric optimization approach
I Pappas, S Avraamidou, J Katz, B Burnak, B Beykal, M Türkay, ...
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 60 (23), 8493-8503, 2021
Improvements for decomposition based methods utilized in the development of multi-scale energy systems
RC Allen, F Iseri, CD Demirhan, I Pappas, EN Pistikopoulos
Computers & Chemical Engineering 170, 108135, 2023
A smart manufacturing strategy for multiparametric model predictive control in air separation systems
D Kenefake, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, B Beykal, HS Ganesh, Y Cao, ...
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing 4 (4), e10120, 2022
Integrating deep learning and explicit MPC for advanced process control
J Katz, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, EN Pistikopoulos
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 3559-3564, 2020
A strategy for the exact solution of multiparametric/explicit quadratically constrained NMPC problems
I Pappas, NA Diangelakis, EN Pistikopoulos
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 11380-11385, 2020
Inhibiting PAC1 receptor internalization and endosomal ERK pathway activation may ameliorate hyperalgesia in a chronic migraine rat model
L Zhang, Y Zhou, Y Wang, L Yang, Y Wang, Z Shan, J Liang, Z Xiao
Cephalalgia 43 (4), 03331024231163131, 2023
Noncooperative distributed model predictive control: A multiparametric programming approach
RST Saini, I Pappas, S Avraamidou, HS Ganesh
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62 (2), 1044-1056, 2023
A new solution strategy for multiparametric quadratic programming
DAC Narciso, I Pappas, FG Martins, EN Pistikopoulos
Computers & Chemical Engineering 164, 107882, 2022
Explicit model predictive control for a highly interacting system
HS Ganesh, S Avraamidou, I Pappas, EN Pistikopoulos
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (1), 247-252, 2022
A Framework to Facilitate Decision Making for Infrastructure Options Analysis of Distribution and Utilities Systems in Chemical Production Plants
M Di Martino, I Pappas, A Tran, RC Allen, RR Husfeld, S Eleff, SG Moffatt, ...
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 51, 835-840, 2022
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Articles 1–20