Experience mining: Building a large-scale database of personal experiences and opinions from web documents K Inui, S Abe, K Hara, H Morita, C Sao, M Eguchi, A Sumida, K Murakami, ... Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web …, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Safety Information Mining—What can NLP do in a disaster— G Neubig, Y Matsubayashi, M Hagiwara, K Murakami Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |
Large-scale Multi-class and Hierarchical Product Categorization for an E-commerce Giant A Cevahir, K Murakami Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Annotating Event Mentions in Text with Modality, Focus, and Source Information. S Matsuyoshi, M Eguchi, C Sao, K Murakami, K Inui, Y Matsumoto LREC, 2010 | 52 | 2010 |
Statement map: assisting information crediblity analysis by visualizing arguments K Murakami, E Nichols, S Matsuyoshi, A Sumida, S Masuda, K Inui, ... Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Information credibility on the web, 43-50, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
テキスト情報分析のための判断情報アノテーション 松吉俊, 江口萌, 佐尾ちとせ, 村上浩司, 乾健太郎, 松本裕治 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D 93 (6), 705-713, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
拡張固有表現タグ付きコーパスの構築 橋本泰一, 乾孝司, 村上浩司 情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理 (NL) 2008 (113 (2008-NL-188)), 113-120, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
文書クラスタリングによるトピック抽出および課題発見 橋本泰一, 村上浩司, 乾孝司, 内海和夫, 石川正道 社会技術研究論文集 5, 216-226, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
Japanese Sentiment Classification Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network L Nio, K Murakami Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting Association for Natural Language …, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Statement map: reducing web information credibility noise through opinion classification K Murakami, E Nichols, J Mizuno, Y Watanabe, S Masuda, H Goto, M Ohki, ... Proceedings of the fourth workshop on Analytics for noisy unstructured text …, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
A database of relations between predicate argument structures for recognizing textual entailment and contradiction S Matsuyoshi, K Murakami, Y Matsumoto, K Inui 2008 Second International Symposium on Universal Communication, 366-373, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Mining personal experiences and opinions from Web documents S Abe, K Inui, K Hara, H Morita, C Sao, M Eguchi, A Sumita, K Murakami, ... Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 9 (2), 109-121, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Constructing a scientific blog corpus for information credibility analysis E Nichols, K Murakami, K Inui, Y Matsumoto Proc. of the Annual Meeting of ANLP, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Automatic classification of semantic relations between facts and opinions K Murakami, E Nichols, J Mizuno, Y Watanabe, H Goto, M Ohki, ... Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information …, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
Annotating semantic relations combining facts and opinions K Murakami, S Masuda, S Matsuyoshi, E Nichols, K Inui, Y Matsumoto Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 150-153, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |
言論マップ生成課題: 言説間の類似・対立の構造を捉えるために 村上浩司, 松吉俊, 隅田飛鳥, 森田啓, 佐尾ちとせ, 増田祥子, 松本裕治, ... 情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理 (NL) 2008 (67 (2008-NL-186)), 55-60, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Topic extraction and social problem detection based on document clustering T Hashimoto, K Murakami, K Inui, K Utsumi, M Ishikawa Socio Technology Research Journal 5, 216-226, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Constructing extended named entity annotated corpora T Hashimoto, T Inui, K Murakami IPSJ SIG Notes 113, 113-120, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
商品レビューからの購買意図の抽出とそれを用いた商品検索システムの構築 石野亜耶, 村上浩司, 関根聡 言語処理学会 第 20 回次大会 発表論文集, 622-625, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
言明間の意味的関係の体系化とコーパス構築 村上浩司, 増田祥子, 松吉俊, 乾健太郎, 松本裕治, 大阪府立大学 言語処理学会第 15 回年次大会発表論文集, 602-605, 2009 | 9 | 2009 |