Juan Sebastián Ulloa
Juan Sebastián Ulloa
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
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Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment
AE Bates, RB Primack, BS Biggar, TJ Bird, ME Clinton, RJ Command, ...
Biological conservation 263, 109175, 2021
scikit‐maad: An open‐source and modular toolbox for quantitative soundscape analysis in Python
JS Ulloa, S Haupert, JF Latorre, T Aubin, J Sueur
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (12), 2334-2340, 2021
Screening large audio datasets to determine the time and space distribution of Screaming Piha birds in a tropical forest
JS Ulloa, A Gasc, P Gaucher, T Aubin, M Réjou-Méchain, J Sueur
Ecological informatics 31, 91-99, 2016
Estimating animal acoustic diversity in tropical environments using unsupervised multiresolution analysis
JS Ulloa, T Aubin, D Llusia, C Bouveyron, J Sueur
Ecological Indicators 90, 346-355, 2018
Explosive breeding in tropical anurans: environmental triggers, community composition and acoustic structure
JS Ulloa, T Aubin, D Llusia, ÉA Courtois, A Fouquet, P Gaucher, ...
BMC Ecology 19 (1), 28, 2019
Monitoring the acoustic activity of an aquatic insect population in relation to temperature, vegetation and noise
C Desjonquères, F Rybak, JS Ulloa, A Kempf, A Bar Hen, J Sueur
Freshwater Biology 65 (1), 107-116, 2020
Listening to cities during the COVID-19 lockdown: How do human activities and urbanization impact soundscapes in Colombia?
JS Ulloa, A Hernández-Palma, O Acevedo-Charry, B Gómez-Valencia, ...
Biological Conservation 255, 108996, 2021
Monitoring canopy bird activity in disturbed landscapes with automatic recorders: A case study in the tropics
M Ducrettet, PM Forget, JS Ulloa, B Yguel, P Gaucher, K Princé, ...
Biological conservation 245, 108574, 2020
A dataset for benchmarking Neotropical anuran calls identification in passive acoustic monitoring
JS Cañas, MP Toro-Gómez, LSM Sugai, HD Benítez Restrepo, J Rudas, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 771, 2023
Simulated chorus attracts conspecific and heterospecific Amazonian explosive breeding frogs
A Fouquet, T Tilly, A Pašukonis, EA Courtois, P Gaucher, ...
Biotropica 53 (1), 63-73, 2021
Towards acoustic monitoring of bees: wingbeat sounds are related to species and individual traits
A Rodríguez Ballesteros, C Desjonquères, V Hevia, M García Llorente, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1904), 20230111, 2024
Detección automatizada de cantos de aves continúa siendo un desafío: el caso de warbleR y Megascops centralis (búho del Chocó)
LA Hoyos Cardona, JS Ulloa, JL Parra Vergara
Biota colombiana 22 (1), 149-163, 2021
Tooting the Latin American horn: advances in the scholarship of ecoacoustics and soundscape ecology is occurring with vigor
BC Pijanowski, S Rodríguez-Buriticá, JS Ulloa
Biota colombiana 22 (1), 2-6, 2021
Exploring Eco-Acoustic Data with K-Determinantal Point Processes
M Outidrarine, P Baudet, V Lostanlen, M Lagrange, JS Ulloa
International Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes …, 2022
Past, present, and future of a tropical sounds collection from Colombia
AM Mendoza-Henao, O Acevedo-Charry, D Martínez-Medina, ...
Bioacoustics 32 (4), 474-490, 2023
Acoustic monitoring of the White-throated Toucan (Ramphastos tucanus) in disturbed tropical landscapes
M Ducrettet, PM Forget, JS Ulloa, B Yguel, P Gaucher, K Princé, ...
Biological Conservation 245, 108574, 2020
AnuraSet: A dataset for benchmarking neotropical anuran calls identification in passive acoustic monitoring
JS Cañas, MP Toro-Gómez, LSM Sugai, HDB Restrepo, J Rudas, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.06860, 2023
Biodiversidad 2018. Reporte de estado y tendencias de la biodiversidad continental de Colombia
O Acevedo-Charry, M Aguilar-Garavito, J Almeira, N Alvarado, ...
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, 2019
The Sounds of The City
A Hernandez-Palma, B Gómez-Valencia, Y Herrera-Varón, JS Ulloa
Biodivercities by 2030 : transforming cities with biodiversity, 188-189, 2022
Un processus ponctuel déterminantal fini pour l'exploration de données éco-acoustiques
P Baudet, M Outidrarine, V Lostanlen, M Lagrange, JS Ulloa
GRETSI 2022, 2022
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Articles 1–20