Son Bao Pham
Son Bao Pham
確認したメール アドレス: vnu.edu.vn
Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge
S Bakas, M Reyes, A Jakab, S Bauer, M Rempfler, A Crimi, RT Shinohara, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
Bioactive compounds in anti-diabetic plants: From herbal medicine to modern drug discovery
N Tran, B Pham, L Le
Biology 9 (9), 252, 2020
Author profiling for English emails
D Estival, T Gaustad, SB Pham, W Radford, B Hutchinson
Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the Pacific Association for …, 2007
A review of unmet needs in obesity management
N Nguyen, JK Champion, J Ponce, B Quebbemann, E Patterson, B Pham, ...
Obesity surgery 22, 956-966, 2012
JAIST: Combining multiple features for answer selection in community question answering
QH Tran, DV Tran, T Vu, M Le Nguyen, SB Pham
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2015
Omnidirectional locomotion for quadruped robots
B Hengst, D Ibbotson, SB Pham, C Sammut
RoboCup 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup V 5, 368-373, 2002
RDRPOSTagger: A ripple down rules-based part-of-speech tagger
DQ Nguyen, DD Pham, SB Pham
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 14th Conference of the European …, 2014
A new approach for scientific citation classification using cue phrases
SB Pham, A Hoffmann
AI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Australian Conference on …, 2003
A robust transformation-based learning approach using ripple down rules for part-of-speech tagging
DQ Nguyen, DQ Nguyen, DD Pham, SB Pham
AI communications 29 (3), 409-422, 2016
The influence of CEO characteristics on corporate environmental performance of SMEs: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs
N Tran, B Pham
Management Science Letters 10 (8), 1671-1682, 2020
Tat: an author profiling tool with application to arabic emails
D Estival, T Gaustad, SB Pham, W Radford, B Hutchinson
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2007, 21-30, 2007
Sentiment analysis for Vietnamese
BT Kieu, SB Pham
2010 Second international conference on knowledge and systems engineering …, 2010
From treebank conversion to automatic dependency parsing for Vietnamese
DQ Nguyen, DQ Nguyen, SB Pham, PT Nguyen, M Le Nguyen
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 19th International …, 2014
Author profiling for Vietnamese blogs
DD Pham, GB Tran, SB Pham
2009 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 190-194, 2009
Document processor and associated method
B Hutchinson, T Gaustad, D Estival, W Radford, SB Pham
US Patent App. 12/513,099, 2010
Sentiment classification on polarity reviews: an empirical study using rating-based features
DQ Nguyen, T Vu, SB Pham
Proceedings of the 5th workshop on computational approaches to subjectivity …, 2014
A hybrid approach to vietnamese word segmentation using part of speech tags
DD Pham, GB Tran, SB Pham
2009 International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, 154-161, 2009
A vietnamese question answering system
DQ Nguyen, SB Pham
2009 International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, 26-32, 2009
Email document parsing method and apparatus
B Hutchinson, T Gaustad, D Estival, W Radford, SB Pham
US Patent App. 12/447,898, 2010
Named entity recognition for Vietnamese
DB Nguyen, SH Hoang, SB Pham, TP Nguyen
Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 205-214, 2010
論文 1–20