Zekeriya Uykan
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Cited by
Analysis of input-output clustering for determining centers of RBFN
Z Uykan, C Guzelis, ME Celebi, HN Koivo
IEEE transactions on neural networks 11 (4), 851-858, 2000
Sigmoid-basis nonlinear power-control algorithm for mobile radio systems
Z Uykan, HN Koivo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 53 (1), 265-270, 2004
Fast-convergent double-Sigmoid Hopfield neural network as applied to optimization problems
Z Uykan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 24 (6), 990-996, 2013
A PI-power control algorithm for cellular radio systems
Z Uykan, R Jantti, HN Koivo
2000 IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and …, 2000
Fusion of Centroid-Based Clustering With Graph Clustering: An Expectation-Maximization-Based Hybrid Clustering," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Z Uykan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021
Transmission-order optimization for bidirectional device-to-device (D2D) communications underlaying cellular TDD networks—A graph theoretic approach
Z Uykan, R Jäntti
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (1), 1-14, 2015
Input-output clustering for determining centers of radial basis function network
Z Uykan, C Guzelis
The 1997 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design-ECCTD'97, Budapest …, 1997
On the Working Principle of the Hopfield Neural Networks and its Equivalence to the GADIA in Optimization
Z Uykan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 31 (9), 3294-3304, 2020
Proportional power control algorithm for time varying link gains in cellular radio systems
Z Uykan, HN Koivo
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 55 (1), 341-349, 2006
Variable structure power control algorithm in mobile radio systems
Z Uykan, HN Koivo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5 (10), 2633-2637, 2006
Joint Optimization of Transmission-Order Selection and Channel Allocation for Bidirectional Wireless Links–Part I: Game Theoretic Analysis
Z Uykan, R Jantti
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (7), 4003- 4013, 2014
Joint Optimization of Transmission-Order Selection and Channel Allocation for Bidirectional Wireless Links–Part II: Algorithms
Z Uykan, R Jantti
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (7), 3991- 4002, 2014
Clustering-based algorithms for single-hidden-layer sigmoid perceptron
Z Uykan
IEEE transactions on neural networks 14 (3), 708-715, 2003
Spectral based solutions for (near) optimum channel/frequency allocation
Z Uykan
2011 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 1-4, 2011
Analysis of augmented-input-layer RBFNN
Z Uykan, HN Koivo
IEEE transactions on neural networks 16 (2), 364-369, 2005
Shadow-Cuts Minimization/Maximization and Complex Hopfield Neural Networks
Z Uykan
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (3), 1096-1109, 2021
Clustering-based algorithms for radial basis function and sigmoid perceptron networks
Z Uykan
Helsinki University of Technology, 2001
N-GAIR: Non-Greedy Asynchronous Interference Reduction Algorithm in Wireless Networks.
Z Uykan
Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 23 (1-2), 93-116, 2014
Load balancing by terminal tying
T Hohne, P Jolma, J Moilanen, L Kuru, Z Uykan, H Xiaoben
US Patent App. 12/110,791, 2009
Hopfield Neural Network based Uplink/Downlink Transmission Order Optimization for Dynamic Indoor TDD Femtocells
MN Alam, R Jäntti, Z Uykan
IEEE Access, 2023
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Articles 1–20