Nathalie George
Nathalie George
Researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience, CNRS
確認したメール アドレス: upmc.fr
Perception's shadow: long-distance synchronization of human brain activity
E Rodriguez, N George, JP Lachaux, J Martinerie, B Renault, FJ Varela
Nature 397 (6718), 430-433, 1999
Seen gaze-direction modulates fusiform activity and its coupling with other brain areas during face processing
N George, J Driver, RJ Dolan
Neuroimage 13 (6), 1102-1112, 2001
The many faces of the gamma band response to complex visual stimuli
JP Lachaux, N George, C Tallon-Baudry, J Martinerie, L Hugueville, ...
Neuroimage 25 (2), 491-501, 2005
Brain events related to normal and moderately scrambled faces
N George, J Evans, N Fiori, J Davidoff, B Renault
Cognitive Brain Research 4 (2), 65-76, 1996
Contrast polarity and face recognition in the human fusiform gyrus
N George, RJ Dolan, GR Fink, GC Baylis, C Russell, J Driver
Nature neuroscience 2 (6), 574-580, 1999
Spatial and temporal factors during processing of audiovisual speech: a PET study
E Macaluso, N George, R Dolan, C Spence, J Driver
Neuroimage 21 (2), 725-732, 2004
A meta-analysis of the anterior cingulate contribution to social pain
JY Rotge, C Lemogne, S Hinfray, P Huguet, O Grynszpan, E Tartour, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (1), 19-27, 2015
Neural network involved in time perception: an fMRI study comparing long and short interval estimation
V Pouthas, N George, JB Poline, M Pfeuty, PF VandeMoorteele, ...
Human brain mapping 25 (4), 433-441, 2005
When eye creates the contact! ERP evidence for early dissociation between direct and averted gaze motion processing
L Conty, K N’Diaye, C Tijus, N George
Neuropsychologia 45 (13), 3024-3037, 2007
Watching Eyes effects: When others meet the self
L Conty, N George, JK Hietanen
Consciousness and cognition 45, 184-197, 2016
Facing the gaze of others
N George, L Conty
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 38 (3), 197-207, 2008
From social behaviour to brain synchronization: review and perspectives in hyperscanning
G Dumas, F Lachat, J Martinerie, J Nadel, N George
Irbm 32 (1), 48-53, 2011
Searching for asymmetries in the detection of gaze contact versus averted gaze under different head views: a behavioural study
L Conty, C Tijus, L Hugueville, E Coelho, N George
Spatial vision 19 (6), 529-546, 2006
Effects of perceived mutual gaze and gender on face processing and recognition memory
P Vuilleumier, N George, V Lister, J Armony, J Driver
Visual cognition 12 (1), 85-101, 2005
Revolution of Alzheimer precision neurology. Passageway of systems biology and neurophysiology
H Hampel, N Toschi, C Babiloni, F Baldacci, KL Black, ALW Bokde, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 64 (s1), S47-S105, 2018
The cost of being watched: Stroop interference increases under concomitant eye contact
L Conty, D Gimmig, C Belletier, N George, P Huguet
Cognition 115 (1), 133-139, 2010
Inversion and contrast-reversal effects on face processing assessed by MEG
RJ Itier, AT Herdman, N George, D Cheyne, MJ Taylor
Brain research 1115 (1), 108-120, 2006
Oscillatory brain correlates of live joint attention: a dual-EEG study
F Lachat, L Hugueville, JD Lemaréchal, L Conty, N George
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 156, 2012
Electrophysiological correlates of facial decision: insights from upright and upside-down Mooney-face perception
N George, B Jemel, N Fiori, L Chaby, B Renault
Cognitive Brain Research 24 (3), 663-673, 2005
Face and shape repetition effects in humans: a spatio-temporal ERP study
N George, B Jemel, N Fiori, B Renault
NeuroReport 8 (6), 1417-1422, 1997
論文 1–20