Michael Fehler
Michael Fehler
Earth Resources Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: mit.edu
Seismic wave propagation and scattering in the heterogeneous earth
H Sato, MC Fehler, T Maeda
Springer, 2012
Petroleum reservoir characterization using downhole microseismic monitoring
SC Maxwell, J Rutledge, R Jones, M Fehler
Geophysics 75 (5), 75A129-75A137, 2010
Extracting time‐domain Green's function estimates from ambient seismic noise
KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (3), 2005
Surface wave tomography from microseisms in Southern California
KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (14), 2005
Source mechanism of volcanic tremor: Fluid-driven crack models and their application to the 1963 Kilauea eruption
K Aki, M Fehler, S Das
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 2 (3), 259-287, 1977
P‐waves from cross‐correlation of seismic noise
P Roux, KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (19), 2005
Separation of scattering and intrinsic attenuation for the Kanto-Tokai region, Japan, using measurements of S-wave energy versus hypocentral distance
M Fehler, M Hoshiba, H Sato, K Obara
Geophysical journal international 108 (3), 787-800, 1992
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2004
XB Xie, RS Wu, M Fehler, L Huang
Determining planes along which earthquakes occur: Method and application to earthquakes accompanying hydraulic fracturing
M Fehler, L House, H Kaieda
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 92 (B9), 9407-9414, 1987
Observations of volcanic tremor at Mount St. Helens volcano
M Fehler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 88 (B4), 3476-3484, 1983
Traveltime tomography: A comparison of popular methods
WS Phillips, MC Fehler
Geophysics 56 (10), 1639-1649, 1991
When Katrina hit California
P Gerstoft, MC Fehler, KG Sabra
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (17), 2006
Green’s functions extraction and surface-wave tomography from microseisms in southern California
P Gerstoft, KG Sabra, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysics 71 (4), SI23-SI31, 2006
Numerical basis of the separation of scattering and intrinsic absorption from full seismogram envelope. A monte-carlo simulation of multiple isotropic scattering.
M Fehler
Papers in meteorology and Geophysics 42 (2), 65-91, 1991
Stress control of seismicity patterns observed during hydraulic fracturing experiments at the Fenton Hill Hot Dry Rock geothermal energy site, New Mexico
MC Fehler
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics …, 1989
Extended local Born Fourier migration method
LJ Huang, MC Fehler, RS Wu
Geophysics 64 (5), 1524-1534, 1999
Permeability dependence of seismic amplitudes
SR Pride, JM Harris, DL Johnson, A Mateeva, KT Nihel, RL Nowack, ...
The Leading Edge 22 (6), 518-525, 2003
7. Data Storage and Distribution
M Fehler, PJ Keliher, M Fehler, PJ Keliher
SEAM Phase 1: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins, with …, 2011
5. Production Simulations
M Fehler, PJ Keliher, M Fehler, PJ Keliher
SEAM Phase 1: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins, with …, 2011
SEAM Phase 1: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging in Tertiary Basins, with Emphasis on Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
M Fehler, PJ Keliher
論文 1–20