Norhudah Seman
Norhudah Seman
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Cited by
An ultra wideband microwave imaging system for breast cancer detection
WC Khor, ME Bialkowski, A Abbosh, N Seman, S Crozier
IEICE Transactions on Communications 90 (9), 2376-2381, 2007
Compact microwave six-port vector voltmeters for ultra-wideband applications
ME Bialkowski, AM Abbosh, N Seman
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 55 (10), 2216-2223, 2007
Millimeter wave beam steering reflectarray antenna based on mechanical rotation of array
MI Abbasi, MH Dahri, MH Jamaluddin, N Seman, MR Kamarudin, ...
IEEE Access 7, 145685-145691, 2019
Characterisation of tunable graphene antenna
SNH Sa'don, MH Jamaluddin, MR Kamarudin, F Ahmad, Y Yamada, ...
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 118, 153170, 2020
Human brain microwave imaging signal processing: Frequency domain (s-parameters) to time domain conversion
KM Chew, R Sudirman, NH Mahmood, N Seman, CY Yong
Engineering 5 (5), 31-36, 2013
5G planar branch line coupler design based on the analysis of dielectric constant, loss tangent and quality factor at high frequency
NA Mohd Shukor, N Seman
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 16115, 2020
Advanced microwave circuits and systems
V Zhurbenko
BoD–Books on Demand, 2010
Microstrip-slot transition and its applications in multilayer microwave circuits
N Seman, M Bialkowski
Passive microwave components and antennas 21, 2010
Design of an integrated correlator for application in ultra wideband six-port transceivers
N Seman, ME Bialkowski, SZ Ibrahim, AA Bakar
2009 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1-4, 2009
Design and characterization of millimeter wave planar reflectarray antenna for 5G communication systems
M Inam, MH Dahri, MH Jamaluddin, N Seman, MR Kamarudin, ...
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 29 (9 …, 2019
Human brain phantom modeling based on relative permittivity dielectric properties
KM Chew, R Sudirman, N Seman, CY Yong
2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology …, 2012
Preservation of gelatin-based phantom material using vinegar and its life-span study for application in microwave imaging
MSM Said, N Seman
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24 (1), 528-534, 2017
Ultra wideband vias and power dividers in microstrip-slot technology
N Seman, ME Bialkowski, WC Khor
2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, 1-4, 2007
Enhanced design of two-section microstrip-slot branch line coupler with the overlapped λ/4 open circuited lines at ports
NAM Shukor, N Seman
Wireless Personal Communications 88, 467-478, 2016
Design of a compact ultra wideband 3 dB microstrip-slot coupler with high return losses and isolation
ME Bialkowski, N Seman, MS Leong
2009 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 1334-1337, 2009
Uplink performance analysis for millimeter wave cellular networks with clustered users
NA Muhammad, NIA Apandi, Y Li, N Seman
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 6178-6188, 2020
Effect of rainwater and seawater on the permittivity of denim jean substrate and performance of UWB eye-shaped antenna
R Yahya, MR Kamarudin, N Seman
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 13, 806-809, 2014
Design and analysis of an ultrawideband three‐section microstrip‐slot coupler
N Seman, ME Bialkowski
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 51 (8), 1889-1892, 2009
Microstrip antenna design with partial ground at frequencies above 20 GHz for 5G telecommunication systems
MA Abdul Aziz, N Seman, TH Chua
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 15 (3 …, 2019
Energy harvesting in sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave hybrid networks
NA Muhammad, N Seman, NIA Apandi, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (5), 4471-4484, 2021
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Articles 1–20