Dr. Suhyun Kim
Dr. Suhyun Kim
Samsung Electronics
確認したメール アドレス: sk.com
Scanning moiré fringe imaging for quantitative strain mapping in semiconductor devices
S Kim, S Lee, Y Oshima, Y Kondo, E Okunishi, N Endo, J Jung, G Byun, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (16), 2013
Quantitative measurement of strain field in strained-channel-transistor arrays by scanning moiré fringe imaging
S Kim, Y Kondo, K Lee, G Byun, J Jung Kim, S Lee, K Lee
Applied Physics Letters 103 (3), 2013
Quantitative annular dark-field STEM images of a silicon crystal using a large-angle convergent electron probe with a 300-kV cold field-emission gun
S Kim, Y Oshima, H Sawada, T Kaneyama, Y Kondo, M Takeguchi, ...
Journal of electron microscopy 60 (2), 109-116, 2011
Strained hetero interfaces in Si/SiGe/SiGe/SiGe multi-layers studied by scanning moiré fringe imaging
S Kim, S Lee, Y Kondo, K Lee, G Byun, S Lee, K Lee
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (5), 2013
Electron microscopy at a sub-50 pm resolution
K Takayanagi, S Kim, S Lee, Y Oshima, T Tanaka, Y Tanishiro, H Sawada, ...
Journal of electron microscopy 60 (suppl_1), S239-S244, 2011
A dopant cluster in a highly antimony doped silicon crystal
S Kim, Y Oshima, H Sawada, N Hashikawa, K Asayama, T Kaneyama, ...
Applied Physics Express 3 (8), 081301, 2010
Direct observation of nanometer-scale strain field around CoSi2/Si interface using scanning moiré fringe imaging
S Kim, Y Jung, J Jung Kim, G Byun, S Lee, H Lee
Applied Physics Letters 104 (16), 2014
Reliable strain measurement in transistor arrays by robust scanning transmission electron microscopy
S Kim, JJ Kim, Y Jung, K Lee, G Byun, KH Hwang, S Lee, K Lee
AIP Advances 3 (9), 092110, 2013
3D strain measurement in electronic devices using through-focal annular dark-field imaging
S Kim, Y Jung, S Lee, J Jung Kim, G Byun, S Lee, H Lee
Ultramicroscopy 146, 1-5, 2014
Z-contrast dependence of quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy image of SiGe binary crystals
S Kim, Y Jung, JJ Kim, S Lee, H Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 618, 545, 2015
Study on probe current dependence of the intensity distribution in annular dark field images
S Kim, Y Oshima, Y Tanishiro, K Takayanagi
Ultramicroscopy 121, 38-41, 2012
Channel-length-dependence of strain field in transistor studied via scanning moiré fringe imaging
S Kim, S Lee, Y Oshima, Y Kondo, H Lee, K Lee, G Byun, S Lee, K Lee
ECS Solid State Letters 3 (1), Q1, 2013
Largely defocused probe scanning transmission electron microscopy for imaging local modulation of strain field in a hetero interface
S Kim, Y Oshima, Y Jung, JJ Kim, S Lee, H Lee
Applied Physics Letters 105 (15), 151604, 2014
Stress Analysis in a SiGe-Channel-Transistor by Scanning Moiré Fringe Imaging
S Kim, Y Jung, JJ Kim, S Lee, H Lee
IEEE Electron Device Letters 35 (10), 983, 2014
Direct observation of crystallization of HfO2 promoted on silicon surfaces in gate dielectric stacks
S Kim, Y Oshima, N Nakajima, N Hashikawa, K Asayama, K Takayanagi
Thin solid films 520 (7), 2562-2565, 2012
Reproducible strain measurement in electronic devices by applying integer multiple to scanning grating in scanning moiré fringe imaging
S Kim, Y Jung, JJ Kim, S Lee, H Lee, Y Kondo
AIP Advances 4, 107107, 2014
An effect of probe current on ADF image intensity of Si crystal
S Kim, Y Oshima, Y Tanishiro, K Takayanagi
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2011, W21. 005, 2011
In-situ TEM observation on STM tunneling gap
S Kim, Y Tanishiro, K Takayanagi
APS March Meeting Abstracts, K1. 118, 2009
論文 1–18