Peter Stegmaier
Peter Stegmaier
Assistant Professor of Knowledge, Governance & Transformation, University of Twente
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Cited by
The tentative governance of emerging science and technology—A conceptual introduction
S Kuhlmann, P Stegmaier, K Konrad
Research Policy, 2019
The Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Systems as Governance Problem
P Stegmaier, S Kuhlmann, VR Visser
Governance of Systems Change, 2014
Presenting a Framework to Analyze Local Climate Policy and Action in Small and Medium-Sized Cities
T Hoppe, A Vegt, P Stegmaier
Sustainability 8 (9), 2016
Phänomenologie und Soziologie. Theoretische Positionen, aktuellem Problemfelder und empirische Umsetzungen
J Raab, M Pfadenhauer, P Stegmaier, J Dreher, B Schnettler
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008
The rock ‘n’roll of knowledge co‐production
P Stegmaier
EMBO reports 10 (2), 114-119, 2009
Wissen, was Recht ist: Richterliche Rechtspraxis aus wissenssoziologisch-ethnografischer Sicht
P Stegmaier
VS Verlag, 2009
Interpreting the Industry 4.0 future: technology, business, society and people
H Schiele, A Bos-Nehles, V Delke, P Stegmaier, RJ Torn
Journal of Business Strategy, 2021
Zur Unüberwindbarkeit kultureller Differenz: grundlagentheoretische Reflexionen
J Dreher, P Stegmaier
Bielefeld: transcript, 2007
The market for climate services in the tourism sector: An analysis of Austrian stakeholders’ perceptions
A Damm, J Köberl, P Stegmaier, EJ Alonso, A Harjanne
Climate Services, 2019
Matching supply and demand: A typology of climate services
K Visscher, P Stegmaier, A Damm, R Hamaker-Taylor, A Harjanne, ...
Climate Services 17, 100136, 2020
Technologies in Decline: Socio-technical approaches to discontinuation and destabilisation
Z Koretzky, P Stegmaier, B Turnheim, H van Lente
Routledge, 2023
The incandescent light bulb phase-out. Exploring patterns of framing the governance of discontinuing a socio-technical regime
P Stegmaier, VR Visser, S Kuhlmann
Energy, Sustainability and Society 11, 1-22, 2021
Futures of science with and for society: towards transformative policy orientations
E Oost, S Kuhlmann, G Ordóñez-Matamoros, P Stegmaier
Foresight 18 (3), 2016
Vernetzung als neuer Effektivitätsmythos für die innere Sicherheit
P Stegmaier, T Feltes
APuZ 12, 18, 2007
Governance of the Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Systems—An Exploratory Study of the incandescent light bulb phase-out
P Stegmaier, VR Visser, S Kuhlmann
4S/EASST Conference The Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Systems …, 2012
Governance of the Discontinuation of Sociotechnical Systems
P Stegmaier, S Kuhlmann, V Visser
Jean Monnet Conference The Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical …, 2012
Keeping the forest above to phase out the coal below: The discursive politics about and contested meaning of the Hambach Forest
C Liersch, P Stegmaier
Energy Research & Social Science 89, 2022
How much unnoticed merit is there in climate services?
A Perrels, TT Le, J Cortekar, E Hoa, P Stegmaier
Climate Services 17, 100153, 2020
Conceptual aspects of discontinuation governance: an exploration
P Stegmaier
Technologies in Decline: Socio-technical approaches to discontinuation and …, 2023
Recht und Normativität aus soziologischer Perspektive
P Stegmaier
Grundlagen des Rechts, 65-87, 2011
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Articles 1–20