Rune Veerasawmy
Rune Veerasawmy
Centre for Participatory Information Technology - Aarhus University
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Cited by
Participatory design at the museum: inquiring into children's everyday engagement in cultural heritage
C Dindler, OS Iversen, R Smith, R Veerasawmy
Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special …, 2010
Designing technology for active spectator experiences at sporting events
M Ludvigsen, R Veerasawmy
Proceedings of the 22nd conference of the computer-human interaction special …, 2010
Impediments to digital fabrication in education: A study of teachers' role in digital fabrication
RC Smith, OS Iversen, R Veerasawmy
International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence (IJDLDC) 7 …, 2016
Impediments to digital fabrication in education: A study of teachers' role in digital fabrication
RC Smith, OS Iversen, R Veerasawmy
Information and technology literacy: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2018
When noise becomes voice: designing interactive technology for crowd experiences through imitation and invention
R Veerasawmy, J McCarthy
Personal and ubiquitous computing 18, 1601-1615, 2014
Bannerbattle: introducing crowd experience to interaction design
R Veerasawmy, OS Iversen
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
Impediments to digital fabrication in education: A study of teachers’ role in digital fabrication. Information and technology literacy: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …
RC Smith, OS Iversen, R Veerasawmy
IGI Global301–319, 2018
Designing interactive technology for crowd experiences
R Veerasawmy
Designing interactive technology for crowd experiences-beyond sanitization
R Veerasawmy
Designing technology for spectator experiences–Beyond the passive spectator
R Veerasawmy
DHRS 2009, 55, 2009
iSport: Varieties of physical interactions in social contexts
R Veerasawmy, M Ludvigsen, MH Fogtmann
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Design for Social Interaction through …, 2008
Bohl, Thorsten (2013). Neuer Unterricht–neue Leistungsbewertung. In: Schulverwaltung Spezial. 14. Jg./Heft 1. S. 4–7. Code.«Unplugged». https://code. org/curriculum/unplugged …
RC Smith, OS Iversen, R Veerasawmy
CHANCE MAKERSPACE 7 (1), 33-48, 0
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Articles 1–12