Seung-Hoon Na
Seung-Hoon Na
Jeonbuk National University
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Cited by
Spoken dialog system based on dual dialog management using hierarchical dialog task library
OW Kwon, YH Roh, SI Yang, KY Lee, SK Jung, SK Choi, E jin Park, ...
US Patent 9,230,544, 2016
On co-authorship for author disambiguation
IS Kang, SH Na, S Lee, H Jung, P Kim, WK Sung, JH Lee
Information Processing & Management 45 (1), 84-97, 2009
Predictor-estimator using multilevel task learning with stack propagation for neural quality estimation
H Kim, JH Lee, SH Na
Proceedings of the second conference on machine translation, 562-568, 2017
Cluster-based patent retrieval
IS Kang, SH Na, J Kim, JH Lee
Information processing & management 43 (5), 1173-1182, 2007
Predictor-estimator: neural quality estimation based on target word prediction for machine translation
H Kim, HY Jung, H Kwon, JH Lee, SH Na
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2017
KLE at TREC 2008 Blog Track: Blog Post and Feed Retrieval.
Y Lee, SH Na, J Kim, SH Nam, H Jung, JH Lee
TREC, 2008
Improving opinion retrieval based on query-specific sentiment lexicon
SH Na, Y Lee, SH Nam, JH Lee
Advances in Information Retrieval: 31th European Conference on IR Research …, 2009
QE BERT: bilingual BERT using multi-task learning for neural quality estimation
H Kim, JH Lim, HK Kim, SH Na
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 3 …, 2019
Conditional random fields for Korean morpheme segmentation and POS tagging
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2015
Frustratingly easy system combination for grammatical error correction
MR Qorib, SH Na, HT Ng
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2022
Improving LSTM CRFs using character-based compositions for Korean named entity recognition
SH Na, H Kim, J Min, K Kim
Computer Speech & Language 54, 106-121, 2019
An empirical study of query expansion and cluster-based retrieval in language modeling approach
SH Na, IS Kang, JE Roh, JH Lee
Information processing & management 43 (2), 302-314, 2007
Unsupervised semantic role labeling for Korean adverbial case
BS Kim, YH Lee, JH Lee
Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications 34 (2), 112-122, 2007
Phrase-based statistical model for korean morpheme segmentation and POS tagging
SH Na, YK Kim
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 101 (2), 512-522, 2018
Diffpost: Filtering non-relevant content based on content difference between two consecutive blog posts
SH Nam, SH Na, Y Lee, JH Lee
Advances in Information Retrieval: 31th European Conference on IR Research …, 2009
Character-based LSTM CRFs for named entity recognition
SH Na, J Min
Proceedings of KISS Korea Computer Congress, 729-731, 2016
Question answering approach using a wordnet-based answer type taxonomy
SH Na, IS Kang, SY Lee, JH Lee
The Eleventh Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), 2002
Improving term frequency normalization for multi-topical documents and application to language modeling approaches
SH Na, IS Kang, JH Lee
Advances in Information Retrieval: 30th European Conference on IR Research …, 2008
Applying completely-arbitrary passage for pseudo-relevance feedback in language modeling approach
SH Na, IS Kang, YH Lee, JH Lee
Information Retrieval Technology: 4th Asia Infomation Retrieval Symposium …, 2008
Two-stage document length normalization for information retrieval
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 33 (2), 1-40, 2015
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Articles 1–20