Yasumasa Kasaba
Yasumasa Kasaba
確認したメール アドレス: pparc.gp.tohoku.ac.jp - ホームページ
Geospace exploration project ERG
Y Miyoshi, I Shinohara, T Takashima, K Asamura, N Higashio, T Mitani, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70, 1-13, 2018
The atmospheric chemistry suite (ACS) of three spectrometers for the ExoMars 2016 trace gas orbiter
O Korablev, F Montmessin, A Trokhimovskiy, AA Fedorova, AV Shakun, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-62, 2018
Repeated injections of energy in the first 600 ms of the giant flare of SGR 1806–20
T Terasawa, YT Tanaka, Y Takei, N Kawai, A Yoshida, K Nomoto, ...
Nature 434 (7037), 1110-1111, 2005
The plasma wave experiment (PWE) on board the Arase (ERG) satellite
Y Kasahara, Y Kasaba, H Kojima, S Yagitani, K Ishisaka, A Kumamoto, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70, 1-28, 2018
Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter
AC Vandaele, O Korablev, F Daerden, S Aoki, IR Thomas, F Altieri, ...
Nature 568 (7753), 521-525, 2019
No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observations
O Korablev, AC Vandaele, F Montmessin, AA Fedorova, A Trokhimovskiy, ...
Nature 568 (7753), 517-520, 2019
BepiColombo-mission overview and science goals
J Benkhoff, G Murakami, W Baumjohann, S Besse, E Bunce, M Casale, ...
Space science reviews 217 (8), 90, 2021
NOMAD, an integrated suite of three spectrometers for the ExoMars trace gas mission: Technical description, science objectives and expected performance
AC Vandaele, JJ Lopez-Moreno, MR Patel, G Bellucci, F Daerden, ...
Space Science Reviews 214, 1-47, 2018
AKATSUKI returns to Venus
M Nakamura, T Imamura, N Ishii, T Abe, Y Kawakatsu, C Hirose, T Satoh, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-10, 2016
High frequency analyzer (HFA) of plasma wave experiment (PWE) onboard the Arase spacecraft
A Kumamoto, F Tsuchiya, Y Kasahara, Y Kasaba, H Kojima, S Yagitani, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70 (1), 1-14, 2018
Overview of Venus orbiter, Akatsuki
M Nakamura, T Imamura, N Ishii, T Abe, T Satoh, M Suzuki, M Ueno, ...
Earth, planets and space 63, 443-457, 2011
Investigating Mercury’s environment with the two-spacecraft BepiColombo mission
A Milillo, M Fujimoto, G Murakami, J Benkhoff, J Zender, S Aizawa, ...
Space science reviews 216, 1-78, 2020
Planet-C: Venus climate orbiter mission of Japan
M Nakamura, T Imamura, M Ueno, N Iwagami, T Satoh, S Watanabe, ...
Planetary and Space Science 55 (12), 1831-1842, 2007
Onboard software of plasma wave experiment aboard Arase: Instrument management and signal processing of waveform capture/onboard frequency analyzer
S Matsuda, Y Kasahara, H Kojima, Y Kasaba, S Yagitani, M Ozaki, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 70 (1), 1-22, 2018
Direct observations of asteroid interior and regolith structure: Science measurement requirements
A Hérique, B Agnus, E Asphaug, A Barucci, P Beck, J Bellerose, J Biele, ...
Advances in Space Research 62 (8), 2141-2162, 2018
One‐ and two‐dimensional simulations of electron beam instability: Generation of electrostatic and electromagnetic 2f p waves
Y Kasaba, H Matsumoto, Y Omura
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 106 (A9), 18693-18711, 2001
Whistler critical Mach number and electron acceleration at the bow shock: Geotail observation
M Oka, T Terasawa, Y Seki, M Fujimoto, Y Kasaba, H Kojima, I Shinohara, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (24), 2006
The energization and radiation in geospace (ERG) project
Y Miyoshi, T Ono, T Takashima, K Asamura, M Hirahara, Y Kasaba, ...
Geophysical Monograph Series 199, 103-116, 2012
The Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) onboard the BepiColombo/MMO: First measurement of electric fields, electromagnetic waves, and radio waves around Mercury
Y Kasaba, JL Bougeret, LG Blomberg, H Kojima, S Yagitani, ...
Planetary and Space Science 58 (1-2), 238-278, 2010
Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD) of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard the Arase satellite: specifications and initial evaluation results
Y Kasaba, K Ishisaka, Y Kasahara, T Imachi, S Yagitani, H Kojima, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 69, 1-18, 2017
論文 1–20