Ming Lin
Ming Lin
その他の名前Ming C Lin, M C Lin
Distinguished University Professor of University of Maryland at College Park & Amazon
確認したメール アドレス: cs.umd.edu - ホームページ
OBBTree: A hierarchical structure for rapid interference detection
S Gottschalk, MC Lin, D Manocha
Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1996
Collision and Proximity Queries
MC Lin, D Manocha, CD edited by Toth, J O'Rourke, JE Goodman
Handbook of discrete and computational geometry, 787-808, 2004
Reciprocal n-Body Collision Avoidance
J Van Den Berg, SJ Guy, M Lin, D Manocha
Robotics Research: The 14th International Symposium ISRR, 3-19, 2011
Reciprocal velocity obstacles for real-time multi-agent navigation
J Van den Berg, M Lin, D Manocha
2008 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 1928-1935, 2008
I-collide: An interactive and exact collision detection system for large-scale environments
JD Cohen, MC Lin, D Manocha, M Ponamgi
Proceedings of the 1995 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 189-ff., 1995
Collision detection between geometric models: A survey
M Lin, S Gottschalk
Proc. of IMA conference on mathematics of surfaces 1, 602-608, 1998
Fast computation of generalized Voronoi diagrams using graphics hardware
KE Hoff III, J Keyser, M Lin, D Manocha, T Culver
Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1999
A fast algorithm for incremental distance calculation.
MC Lin, JF Canny
ICRA 91, 9-12, 1991
Continuum Modeling of Crowd Turbulence
A Golas, R Narain, MC Lin
Physical Review E 90 (1), 042816, 2014
Fast computation of database operations using graphics processors
NK Govindaraju, B Lloyd, W Wang, M Lin, D Manocha
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, 206-es, 2005
Fast proximity queries with swept sphere volumes
E Larsen, S Gottschalk, MC Lin, D Manocha
Technical Report TR99-018, Department of Computer Science, University of …, 1999
Aggregate dynamics for dense crowd simulation
R Narain, A Golas, S Curtis, MC Lin
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 papers, 1-8, 2009
Clearpath: highly parallel collision avoidance for multi-agent simulation
SJ Guy, J Chhugani, C Kim, N Satish, M Lin, D Manocha, P Dubey
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer …, 2009
Efficient Collision Detection for Animation and Robotics
MC Lin
PhD thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science …, 1993
Accurate and fast proximity queries between polyhedra using convex surface decomposition
SA Ehmann, MC Lin
Computer Graphics Forum 20 (3), 500-511, 2001
DAB: Interactive haptic painting with 3D virtual brushes
B Baxter, V Scheib, MC Lin, D Manocha
Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2001
CULLIDE: Interactive collision detection between complex models in large environments using graphics hardware
NK Govindaraju, S Redon, MC Lin, D Manocha
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware …, 2003
PLEdestrians: A Least-Effort Approach to Crowd Simulation.
SJ Guy, J Chhugani, S Curtis, P Dubey, MC Lin, D Manocha
Symposium on computer animation, 119-128, 2010
Collision Detection
MC Lin, D Manocha
Handbook of data structures and applications 56, 2004
A survey on hair modeling: Styling, simulation, and rendering
K Ward, F Bertails, TY Kim, SR Marschner, MP Cani, MC Lin
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 13 (2), 213-234, 2007
論文 1–20