German Bordel
Cited by
Cited by
Computing consensus translation from multiple machine translation systems
B Bangalore, G Bordel, G Riccardi
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2001. ASRU …, 2001
High-performance query-by-example spoken term detection on the SWS 2013 evaluation
LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, A Varona, M Penagarikano, G Bordel, M Diez
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
On the use of phone log-likelihood ratios as features in spoken language recognition
M Diez, A Varona, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, G Bordel
2012 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 274-279, 2012
On the calibration and fusion of heterogeneous spoken term detection systems.
A Abad, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, M Penagarikano, A Varona, G Bordel
Interspeech, 20-24, 2013
The 2013 speaker recognition evaluation in mobile environment
E Khoury, B Vesnicer, J Franco-Pedroso, R Violato, Z Boulkcnafet, ...
2013 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), 1-8, 2013
Feature selection based on genetic algorithms for speaker recognition
M Zamalloa, G Bordel, LJ Rodríguez, M Peñagarikano
2006 IEEE Odyssey-The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 1-8, 2006
The albayzin 2012 language recognition evaluation.
LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, N Brümmer, M Penagarikano, A Varona, G Bordel, ...
Interspeech, 1497-1501, 2013
A simple and efficient method to align very long speech signals to acoustically imperfect transcriptions.
G Bordel, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, A Varona
INTERSPEECH, 1840-1843, 2012
Study of Different Backends in a State-Of-the-Art Language Recognition System
M Penagarikano, A Varona, M Diez, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, G Bordel
Interspeech 2012, 2012
Sautrela: a highly modular open source speech recognition framework
M Penagarikano, G Bordel
IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 2005., 386-391, 2005
Dimensionality reduction of phone log-likelihood ratio features for spoken language recognition.
M Diez, A Varona, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, G Bordel
Interspeech, 64-68, 2013
Back-off smoothing in a syntactic approach to language modelling
G Bordel, I Torrest, E Vidal
Proc. ICSLP 1994, 851-854, 1994
KALAKA-3: a database for the assessment of spoken language recognition technology on YouTube audios
LJ Rodríguez-Fuentes, M Penagarikano, A Varona, M Diez, G Bordel
Language Resources and Evaluation 50, 221-243, 2016
Probabilistic kernels for improved text-to-speech alignment in long audio tracks
G Bordel, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodríguez-Fuentes, A Álvarez, A Varona
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (1), 126-129, 2015
GTTS Systems for the SWS Task at MediaEval 2013.
LJ Rodríguez-Fuentes, A Varona, M Penagarikano, G Bordel, M Diez
MediaEval, 2013
KALAKA: A TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Evaluation of Language Recognition Systems.
LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, M Penagarikano, G Bordel, A Varona, M Diez
LREC, 2010
On the projection of PLLRs for unbounded feature distributions in spoken language recognition
M Diez, A Varona, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, G Bordel
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 21 (9), 1073-1077, 2014
KALAKA-2: a TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Recognition of Iberian Languages in Clean and Noisy Environments.
LJ Rodríguez-Fuentes, M Penagarikano, A Varona, M Diez, G Bordel
LREC, 99-105, 2012
Improved modeling of cross-decoder phone co-occurrences in SVM-based phonotactic language recognition
M Penagarikano, A Varona, LJ Rodríguez-Fuentes, G Bordel
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 19 (8), 2348-2363, 2011
Automatic subtitling of the basque parliament plenary sessions videos
G Bordel, S Nieto, M Penagarikano, LJ Rodriguez-Fuentes, A Varona
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
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Articles 1–20