Clare Shelley-Egan
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Cited by
The association between socioeconomic status and pandemic influenza: Systematic review and meta-analysis
SE Mamelund, C Shelley-Egan, O Rogeberg
PLoS One 16 (9), e0244346, 2021
Meta-regulation and nanotechnologies: the challenge of responsibilisation within the European Commission’s code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies …
B Dorbeck-Jung, C Shelley-Egan
Nanoethics 7 (1), 55-68, 2013
Translation, transduction, and transformation: expanding practices of responsibility across borders
T Doezema, D Ludwig, P Macnaghten, C Shelley-Egan, EM Forsberg
Journal of Responsible Innovation 6 (3), 323-331, 2019
Joint declaration on mainstreaming RRI across Horizon Europe
A Gerber, EM Forsberg, C Shelley-Egan, R Arias, S Daimer, G Dalton, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 7 (3), 708-711, 2020
The association between socioeconomic status and pandemic influenza: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
SE Mamelund, C Shelley-Egan, O Rogeberg
Systematic reviews 8, 1-6, 2019
Devices of responsibility: Over a decade of responsible research and innovation initiatives for nanotechnologies
C Shelley-Egan, DM Bowman, DKR Robinson
Science and Engineering Ethics 24, 1719-1746, 2018
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation in Research Funding and Research Conducting Organisations—What Have We Learned so Far?
F Ferri, N Dwyer, S Raicevich, P Grifoni, H Altiok, HT Andersen, Y Laouris, ...
Governance and Sustainability of Responsible Research and Innovation …, 2018
Positions and responsibilities in the ‘real’world of nanotechnology
A Rip, C Shelley-Egan
Nanotechnology and Its Governance, 101-107, 2019
Consolidating RRI and Open Science: understanding the potential for transformative change
C Shelley-Egan, MD Gjefsen, R Nydal
Life Sciences, Society and Policy 16 (1), 7, 2020
Ethics in practice: responding to an evolving problematic situation of nanotechnology in society.
C Shelley-Egan
The ambivalence of promising technology
C Shelley-Egan
Nanoethics 4, 183-189, 2010
Testing the obligations of presence in academia in the COVID-19 era
C Shelley-Egan
Sustainability 12 (16), 6350, 2020
Nano‐Industry Operationalizations of “Responsibility”: Charting Diversity in the Enactment of Responsibility
C Shelley‐Egan, SR Davies
Review of policy research 30 (5), 588-604, 2013
RRI Futures: learning from a diversity of voices and visions
M Van Oudheusden, C Shelley-Egan
Journal of Responsible Innovation 8 (2), 139-147, 2021
A game with rules in the making–how the high probability of waiting games in nanomedicine is being mitigated through distributed regulation and responsible innovation
J d'Silva, DKR Robinson, C Shelley-Egan
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 24 (6), 583-602, 2012
Evaluating Ethical Frameworks for the Assessment of Human Cognitive Enhancement Applications
EM Forsberg, C Shelley-Egan, E Thorstensen, L Landeweerd, B Hofmann
Springer, 2017
Ethical Assessment of Research and Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Practices and Institutions in the EU and selected other countries.
C Shelley-Egan, P Brey, R Rodrigues, D Douglas, A Gurzawska, L Bitsch, ...
European Commission, 2015
The challenge of distributing regulatory responsibilities for unknown risks:'Nano'-cosmetics and the EU cosmetics regulation as a case study
C Shelley-Egan, DM Bowman
Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics 6 (2), 1, 2015
Responsible Research and Innovation in the context of human cognitive enhancement: some essential features
C Shelley-Egan, AB Hanssen, L Landeweerd, B Hofmann
Journal of Responsible Innovation 5 (1), 65-85, 2018
RRI-Practice Policy Recommendations and Roadmaps, RRI-Practice project report. Deliverable 16.2
R Owen, EM Forsberg, C Shelley-Egan
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Articles 1–20