Joris Winderickx
Joris Winderickx
確認したメール アドレス: bio.kuleuven.be
Glucose-sensing and-signalling mechanisms in yeast
F Rolland, J Winderickx, JM Thevelein
FEMS yeast research 2 (2), 183-201, 2002
Flavor-active esters: adding fruitiness to beer
KJ Verstrepen, GUY Derdelinckx, JP Dufour, J Winderickx, JM Thevelein, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 96 (2), 110-118, 2003
A Saccharomyces cerevisiae G‐protein coupled receptor, Gpr1, is specifically required for glucose activation of the cAMP pathway during the transition to growth on …
L Kraakman, K Lemaire, P Ma, AWRH Teunissen, MCV Donaton, ...
Molecular microbiology 32 (5), 1002-1012, 1999
Expression Levels of the Yeast Alcohol Acetyltransferase Genes ATF1, Lg-ATF1, and ATF2 Control the Formation of a Broad Range of Volatile Esters
KJ Verstrepen, SDM Van Laere, BMP Vanderhaegen, G Derdelinckx, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (9), 5228-5237, 2003
Involvement of distinct G‐proteins, Gpa2 and Ras, in glucose‐and intracellular acidification‐induced cAMP signalling in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S Colombo, P Ma, L Cauwenberg, J Winderickx, M Crauwels, ...
The EMBO journal, 1998
Glucose-sensing mechanisms in eukaryotic cells
F Rolland, J Winderickx, JM Thevelein
Trends in biochemical sciences 26 (5), 310-317, 2001
TOR and PKA signaling pathways converge on the protein kinase Rim15 to control entry into G0
I Pedruzzi, F Dubouloz, E Cameroni, V Wanke, J Roosen, J Winderickx, ...
Molecular cell 12 (6), 1607-1613, 2003
Cytosolic pH is a second messenger for glucose and regulates the PKA pathway through V‐ATPase
R Dechant, M Binda, SS Lee, S Pelet, J Winderickx, M Peter
The EMBO journal 29 (15), 2515-2526, 2010
Polymorphism in red photopigment underlies variation in colour matching
J Winderickx, DT Lindsey, E Sanocki, DY Teller, AG Motulsky, SS Deeb
Nature 356 (6368), 431-433, 1992
Life in the midst of scarcity: adaptations to nutrient availability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
B Smets, R Ghillebert, P De Snijder, M Binda, E Swinnen, C De Virgilio, ...
Current genetics 56, 1-32, 2010
Yeast as a model for medical and medicinal research
WH Mager, J Winderickx
Trends in pharmacological sciences 26 (5), 265-273, 2005
Glucose‐induced cAMP signalling in yeast requires both a G‐protein coupled receptor system for extracellular glucose detection and a separable hexose kinase‐dependent sensing …
F Rolland, JH De Winde, K Lemaire, E Boles, JM Thevelein, J Winderickx
Molecular microbiology 38 (2), 348-358, 2000
Neuron-to-neuron wild-type Tau protein transfer through a trans-synaptic mechanism: relevance to sporadic tauopathies
S Dujardin, K Lécolle, R Caillierez, S Bégard, N Zommer, C Lachaud, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 2, 1-14, 2014
A gene encoding a sphingolipid biosynthesis enzyme determines the sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to an antifungal plant defensin from dahlia (Dahlia merckii)
K Thevissen, BPA Cammue, K Lemaire, J Winderickx, RC Dickson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (17), 9531-9536, 2000
The AMPK/SNF1/SnRK1 fuel gauge and energy regulator: structure, function and regulation
R Ghillebert, E Swinnen, J Wen, L Vandesteene, M Ramon, K Norga, ...
The FEBS journal 278 (21), 3978-3990, 2011
PKA and Sch9 control a molecular switch important for the proper adaptation to nutrient availability
J Roosen, K Engelen, K Marchal, J Mathys, G Griffioen, E Cameroni, ...
Molecular microbiology 55 (3), 862-880, 2005
Glucose and sucrose: hazardous fast-food for industrial yeast?
KJ Verstrepen, D Iserentant, P Malcorps, G Derdelinckx, P Van Dijck, ...
Trends in biotechnology 22 (10), 531-537, 2004
The novel yeast PAS kinase Rim15 orchestrates G0-associated antioxidant defense mechanisms
E Cameroni, N Hulo, J Roosen, J Winderickx, CD Virgilio
Cell cycle 3 (4), 460-466, 2004
Regulation of genes encoding subunits of the trehalose synthase complex inSaccharomyces cerevisiae: novel variations of STRE-mediated transcription control?
J Winderickx, JH de Winde, M Crauwels, A Hino, S Hohmann, P Van Dijck, ...
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 252, 470-482, 1996
Guidelines and recommendations on yeast cell death nomenclature
D Carmona-Gutierrez, MA Bauer, A Zimmermann, A Aguilera, N Austriaco, ...
Microbial Cell 5 (1), 4, 2018
論文 1–20