Rex Victor Cruz
Climate Change and Biodiversity
RV Gitay, Habiba., Suarez, Avelino, Watson, Robert, Anisimov, Oleg, Chapin ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2002
Asia. climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
RV Cruz, H Harasawa, M Lal, S Wu, Y Anokhin, B Punsalmaa, Y Honda, ...
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2007
Carbon stocks assessment of a selectively logged dipterocarp forest and wood processing mill in the Philippines
RD Lasco, G MacDicken, F Pulhin, IQ Guillermo, RF Sales, RVO Cruz
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 212-221, 2006
A stitch in time: General lessons from specific cases
N Leary, J Adejuwon, V Barros, P Batima, B Biagini, I Burton, ...
Climate change and adaptation, 1-27, 2012
Carbon stocks assessment of a secondary forest in Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines
RD Lasco, IQ Guillermo, RVO Cruz, NC Bantayan, FB Pulhin
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 35-45, 2004
Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in Asia and the Pacific: Workshop summary
L Amadore, WC Bolhofer, RV Cruz, RB Feir, CA Freysinger, S Guill, ...
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 92, 1-12, 1996
Social and institutional dimensions of climate change adaptation
LM Peñalba, DD Elazegui, JM Pulhin, R Victor O. Cruz
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 4 (3), 308-322, 2012
Carbon budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in the Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed
RD Lasco, FB Pulhin, RVO Cruz, JM Pulhin, SSN Roy
Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change (AIACC) Working …, 2005
A stitch in time: Lessons for climate change adaptation from the AIACC Project
N Leary, J Adejuwon, V Barros, P Batimaa, B Biagini, I Burton, ...
International START Secretariat, Washington, DC, 2007
Assessing climate change impacts on water balance in the Mount Makiling forest, Philippines
EA Combalicer, RVO Cruz, S Lee, S Im
Journal of earth system science 119, 265-283, 2010
Tenure reform on Philippine forest lands: assessment of socio-economic and environmental impacts
JM Pulhin, JT Dizon, RVO Cruz, DT Gevana, GR Dahal
College of Forestry and Natural Resources, 2008
Climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: working group II contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: summary for policymakers
N Adger, P Aggarwal, S Agrawala, J Alcamo, A Allali, O Anisimov, ...
IPCC Secretariat: Geneva, Switzerland, 2007
Carbon stocks assessment of two agroforestry systems in the Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines
RD Lasco, RF Sales, R Estrella, SR Saplaco, ASA Castillo, RVO Cruz, ...
Philippine Agricultural Scientist 84 (4), 401-407, 2001
others (2007) Asia
RV Cruz, H Harasawa, M Lal, S Wu
Climate change, 469-506, 2007
Tradeoff analysis of adaptation strategies for natural resources, water resources, and local institutions in the Philippines
RD Lasco, RVO Cruz, JM Pulhin, FB Pulhin
AIACC Working Paper. Washington DC, USA, 2006
Climate variability and extremes in the Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed, Philippines: assessment of impacts and adaptation practices
RJJ Peras, JM Pulhin, RD Lasco, RVO Cruz, FB Pulhin
Journal of Environmental Science and Management 11 (2), 14-31, 2008
Probable streamflow changes and its associated risk to the water resources of Abuan watershed, Philippines caused by climate change and land use changes
A Araza, M Perez, RV Cruz, LF Aggabao, E Soyosa
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 35 (2), 389-404, 2021
Vulnerability of communities to climate variability and extremes: the Pantabangan-Carranglan watershed in the Philippines
JM Pulhin, RJJ Peras, RVO Cruz, RD Lasco, FB Pulhin, MA Tapia
AIACCWorking Paper 44, 2006
Philippine climate change assessment: Impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation
RVO Cruz, PM Aliño, OC Cabrera, CPC David, LT David, FP Lansigan, ...
The Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk …, 2017
Integrated land use planning and sustainable watershed management
RVO Cruz
Journal of Philippine Development 26 (1), 27-49, 1999
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