Chiaki Doi
Chiaki Doi
NTT docomo, Keio University
確認したメール アドレス: nttdocomo.com
Current applications and development of artificial intelligence for digital dental radiography
RH Putra, C Doi, N Yoda, ER Astuti, K Sasaki
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 51 (1), 20210197, 2022
Variable interval positioning method for smartphone-based power-saving geofencing
T Nakagawa, W Yamada, C Doi, H Inamura, K Ohta, M Suzuki, ...
2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2013
Customizable context detection for ECA rule-based context-aware applications
T Nakagawa, C Doi, K Ohta, H Inamura
ICMU, May 30, 60, 2012
Fundamental design for a beacon device based unconscious participatory sensing system
T Mizukami, K Naito, C Doi, T Nakagawa, K Ohta, H Inamura, T Hishida, ...
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer …, 2015
Proposal of anesthetic dose prediction model to avoid post-induction hypotension using electronic anesthesia records
N Asai, C Doi, K Iwai, S Ideno, H Seki, J Kato, T Yamada, H Morisaki, ...
2019 Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Is he becoming an excellent customer for us? a customer level prediction method for a customer relationship management system
C Doi, M Katagiri, T Araki, D Ikeda, H Shigeno
2018 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2018
Preventive effects of low-dose dexamethasone for delayed adverse events induced by carboplatin-based combination chemotherapy
H Kawazoe, Y Takiguchi, H Tanaka, C Doi, N Fukuoka, N Kanaji, ...
Yakugaku zasshi 127 (6), 1001-1006, 2007
Estimating customer preference through store check-in histories and its use in visitor promotion
C Doi, M Katagiri, A Ishii, T Konishi, T Araki, K Ohta, D Ikeda, H Inamura, ...
2017 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous …, 2017
Prediction of post-induction hypotension using stacking method
K Iwai, C Doi, N Asai, H Shigeno, S Ideno, J Kato, T Yamada, H Morisaki, ...
2019 Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous …, 2019
Cellphone Usage Support Function based on Operation History
T Nakagawa, T Yoshikawa, C Doi, K Ohta, C Noda, H Inamura
In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Mobile Computing and …, 2010
Monitoring the side effects of cancer chemotherapy with patients--participation of patients in cancer therapy and sharing patient information
H Kawazoe, T Kubo, N Iihara, M Okujyoh, N Fukuoka, S Fujimoto, ...
Yakugaku Zasshi: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 126 (8), 629-642, 2006
Data Generation With Filtered β-VAE for the Preoperative Prediction of Adverse Events
Y Yamasaki, C Doi, S Kitagawa, H Seki, H Shigeno
IEEE Access 11, 48667-48676, 2023
Intraoperative Hypotension Prediction System by Considering Personal Lifestyle and Medical History
R Inada, C Doi, Y Yamasaki, H Shigeno, H Seki
2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2021
Evaluation about the feasibility of an unconscious participatory sensing system with ios devices
T Mizukami, K Naito, C Doi, K Ohta, H Inamura, T Hishida, T Mizuno
International Journal of Informatics Society (IJIS) 8 (3), 131-139, 2016
Development of a topic providing system with inference of behaviors from daily life,‖
S Suzuki, G Tanaka, C Doi, T Nakagawa, H Inamura, K Ohta, T Mizuno, ...
Computer Technology and Application 4 (3), 144-152, 2013
Monitoring sheet covering long-term chemotherapy to predict individual adverse reaction patterns for patients with gynecologic chemotherapy
N Iihara, H Kawazoe, N Fukuoka, H Houchi, Y Kurosaki, S Morita
Yakugaku Zasshi: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 127 (6 …, 2007
Impact of prescription-term deregulation with revised medical service fees on drug therapy management.
H Kawazoe, N Iihara, S Morita
Yakugaku Zasshi: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 125 (12 …, 2005
Estimation of Personal Factors Affecting Purchasing Behavior and Its Application
C Doi
Family structure attribute estimation method for product recommendation system
C Doi, M Katagiri, T Araki, D Ikeda, H Shigeno
2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2017
Design and implementation of privacy-enhanced operation history middleware for smartphones
K Ohta, K Kiminami, T Nakagawa, C Doi, H Inamura
2011 Third International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN …, 2011
論文 1–20