Vladimir Sinitsyn
Vladimir Sinitsyn
Уральский федеральный университет имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина
確認したメール アドレス: urfu.ru
Magnetic soliton confinement and discretization effects arising from macroscopic coherence in a chiral spin soliton lattice
Y Togawa, T Koyama, Y Nishimori, Y Matsumoto, S McVitie, ...
Physical Review B 92 (22), 220412, 2015
Topological magnetization jumps in a confined chiral soliton lattice
J Kishine, IG Bostrem, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Physical Review B 89 (1), 014419, 2014
Coherent sliding dynamics and spin motive force driven by crossed magnetic fields in a chiral helimagnet
J Kishine, IG Bostrem, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (21), 214426, 2012
Collective resonant dynamics of the chiral spin soliton lattice in a monoaxial chiral magnetic crystal
FJT Goncalves, T Sogo, Y Shimamoto, Y Kousaka, J Akimitsu, ...
Physical Review B 95 (10), 104415, 2017
Resonant collective dynamics of the weakly pinned soliton lattice in a monoaxial chiral helimagnet
J Kishine, I Proskurin, IG Bostrem, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Physical Review B 93 (5), 054403, 2016
Tailored resonance in micrometer-sized monoaxial chiral helimagnets
FJT Goncalves, T Sogo, Y Shimamoto, I Proskurin, VE Sinitsyn, ...
Physical Review B 98 (14), 144407, 2018
Dark discrete breather modes in a monoaxial chiral helimagnet with easy-plane anisotropy
IG Bostrem, EG Ekomasov, J Kishine, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Physical Review B 104 (21), 214420, 2021
Theory of standing spin waves in a finite-size chiral spin soliton lattice
J Kishine, VE Sinitsyn, IG Bostrem, I Proskurin, FJT Goncalves, Y Togawa, ...
Physical Review B 100 (2), 024411, 2019
Cluster perturbation theory for spin Hamiltonians
AS Ovchinnikov, IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 162, 179-187, 2010
Discrete magnetic breathers in monoaxial chiral helimagnet
IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn, AS Ovchinnikov, EG Ekomasov, J Kishine
AIP Advances 11 (1), 2021
The method of exact diagonalization preserving the total spin and taking the point symmetry of the two-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg magnet into account
IG Bostrem, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Theoretical and mathematical physics 149, 1527-1544, 2006
Bose–Einstein condensation of semi-hard bosons in the S= 1 dimerized organic compound F2PNNNO
IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn, AS Ovchinnikov, Y Hosokoshi, K Inoue
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (3), 036001, 2009
Generation of spin motive force in a soliton lattice
AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn, IG Bostrem, J Kishine
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 116, 791-795, 2013
Magnetization and spin gap in two-dimensional organic ferrimagnet BIPNNBNO
AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn, IG Bostrem, Y Hosokoshi, K Inoue
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (30), 306003, 2012
Influence of the type of intercalation on spin-glass formation in the Fe-doped polytype family
AS Ovchinnikov, IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn, NM Nosova, NV Baranov
Physical Review B 109 (5), 054403, 2024
Theory of the anticontinuous limit for spin Hamiltonians. Search for discrete breather modes
IG Bostrem, AS Ovchinnikov, EG Ekomasov, VE Sinitsyn, AE Fedorov, ...
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 214 (2), 250-264, 2023
Numerical Simulation of Discrete Magnetic Breathers in Heisenberg Spin Chains with Additional Interactions
IG Bostrem, EG Ekomasov, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn, MI Fakhretdinov
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics 68 (1), 70-76, 2023
Numerical simulation of magnetic discrete breathers in a heisenberg spin chain with antisymmetric exchange
IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn, AS Ovchinnikov, MI Fakhretdinov, EG Ekomasov
Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences …, 2021
Discrete magnetic breathers in monoaxial chiral helimagnet
IG Bostrem, EG Ekomasov, J Kishine, AS Ovchinnikov, VE Sinitsyn
Челябинский физико-математический журнал 5 (2), 194-201, 2020
Critical behavior of a monoaxial chiral helimagnet
AS Ovchinnikov, IG Bostrem, VE Sinitsyn, J Kishine
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 191 (3), 924-938, 2017
論文 1–20