Piet Hoekstra
Piet Hoekstra
Professior in Coastal morphodynamics, Utrecht University
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Observations of suspended sediment from ADCP and OBS measurements in a mud-dominated environment
AJF Hoitink, P Hoekstra
Coastal engineering 52 (2), 103-118, 2005
Flow asymmetry associated with astronomical tides: Implications for the residual transport of sediment
AJF Hoitink, P Hoekstra, DS Van Maren
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C10), 2003
Subtidal water level variation controlled by river flow and tides
FA Buschman, AJF Hoitink, M Van Der Vegt, P Hoekstra
Water Resources Research 45 (10), 2009
Tidal amplification and salt intrusion in the Mekong Delta driven by anthropogenic sediment starvation
S Eslami, P Hoekstra, N Nguyen Trung, S Ahmed Kantoush, D Van Binh, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 18746, 2019
Morphodynamics of the Wadden Sea and its barrier island system
ZB Wang, P Hoekstra, H Burchard, H Ridderinkhof, HE De Swart, ...
Ocean & coastal management 68, 39-57, 2012
The systematic contribution of transporting mechanisms to the cross-shore sediment transport in water depths of 3 to 9 m
BG Ruessink, KT Houwman, P Hoekstra
Marine Geology 152 (4), 295-324, 1998
Barrier island management: Lessons from the past and directions for the future
AP Oost, P Hoekstra, A Wiersma, B Flemming, EJ Lammerts, M Pejrup, ...
Ocean & coastal management 68, 18-38, 2012
Seasonal variation of hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in a shallow subtropical estuary: the Ba Lat River, Vietnam
DS Van Maren, P Hoekstra
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60 (3), 529-540, 2004
Subtidal flow division at a shallow tidal junction
FA Buschman, AJF Hoitink, M van der Vegt, P Hoekstra
Water Resources Research 46 (12), 2010
Bedform migration and bedload transport on an intertidal shoal
P Hoekstra, P Bell, P van Santen, N Roode, F Levoy, R Whitehouse
Continental Shelf Research 24 (11), 1249-1269, 2004
Coastal and nearshore morphology, bedforms and sediment transport pathways at Teignmouth (UK)
V Van Lancker, J Lanckneus, S Hearn, P Hoekstra, F Levoy, J Miles, ...
Continental Shelf Research 24 (11), 1171-1202, 2004
Governance conditions for adaptive freshwater management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
TP Ha, C Dieperink, HS Otter, P Hoekstra
Journal of Hydrology 557, 116-127, 2018
The “equilibrium” distribution of grain size fractions and its implications for cross-shore sediment transport: a conceptual model
J Guillén, P Hoekstra
Marine Geology 135 (1-4), 15-33, 1996
Projections of salt intrusion in a mega-delta under climatic and anthropogenic stressors
S Eslami, P Hoekstra, PSJ Minderhoud, NN Trung, JM Hoch, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 142, 2021
Human impacts on tides overwhelm the effect of sea level rise on extreme water levels in the Rhine–Meuse delta
NE Vellinga, AJF Hoitink, M van der Vegt, W Zhang, P Hoekstra
Coastal engineering 90, 40-50, 2014
Sediment distribution in the nearshore zone: grain size evolution in response to shoreface nourishment (Island of Terschelling, The Netherlands)
J Guillén, P Hoekstra
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 45 (5), 639-652, 1997
SANDPIT, Sand Transport and Morphology of Offshore Mining Pits.
LC Van Rijn, RL Soulsby, P Hoekstra, AG Davies
Aqua Publications, 2005
Tidal flow asymmetry in the diurnal regime: bed-load transport and morphologic changes around the Red River Delta
DS Van Maren, P Hoekstra, AJF Hoitink
Ocean Dynamics 54, 424-434, 2004
Eolian sediment transport on a natural beach
A Kroon, P Hoekstra
Journal of Coastal Research, 367-379, 1990
Morphological development of the Terschelling shoreface nourishment in response to hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes
P Hoekstra, KT Houwman, A Kroon, BG Ruessink, JA Roelvink, ...
Coastal Engineering 1996, 2897-2910, 1996
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Articles 1–20