Terai Masaaki
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Cited by
Multi-block/multi-core SSOR preconditioner for the QCD quark solver for K computer
T Boku, KI Ishikawa, Y Kuramashi, K Minami, Y Nakamura, F Shoji, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.7398, 2012
Performance analysis and optimization of nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model (NICAM) on the K computer and TSUBAME2. 5
H Yashiro, M Terai, R Yoshida, S Iga, K Minami, H Tomita
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, 1-8, 2016
The emergence of properties of the Japanese production network: how do listed firms choose their partners?
H Krichene, Y Fujiwara, A Chakraborty, Y Arata, H Inoue, M Terai
Social Networks 59, 1-9, 2019
DebtRank analysis of financial distress propagation on a production network in Japan
Y Fujiwara, M Terai, Y Fujita, W Souma
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-E-046, 2016
Extremely scalable algorithm for 108-atom quantum material simulation on the full system of the K computer
T Hoshi, H Imachi, K Kumahata, M Terai, K Miyamoto, K Minami, F Shoji
2016 7th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale …, 2016
Extracting facts from performance tuning history of scientific applications for predicting effective optimization patterns
M Hashimoto, M Terai, T Maeda, K Minami
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 13-23, 2015
Scalable rank-mapping algorithm for an icosahedral grid system on the massive parallel computer with a 3-D torus network
C Kodama, M Terai, AT Noda, Y Yamada, M Satoh, T Seiki, S Iga, ...
Parallel Computing 40 (8), 362-373, 2014
Performance optimization and evaluation of a global climate application using a 440m horizontal mesh on the K computer
M Terai, H Yashiro, K Sakamoto, S Iga, H Tomita, M Satoh, K Minami
Abstract from International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2014
An operational data collecting and monitoring platform for Fugaku: system overviews and case studies in the prelaunch service period
M Terai, K Yamamoto, S Miura, F Shoji
High Performance Computing: ISC High Performance Digital 2021 International …, 2021
An empirical study of computation-intensive loops for identifying and classifying loop kernels: Full research paper
M Hashimoto, M Terai, T Maeda, K Minami
Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance …, 2017
A study of real-time and 100 billion agents simulation using the Boids model
Y Hirokawa, N Nishikawa, T Asano, M Terai, T Matsuzawa
Artificial Life and Robotics 21, 525-530, 2016
Performance Tuning of a Lattice QCD code on a node of the K computer
M Terai, KI Ishikawa, Y Sugisaki, K Minami, F Shoji, Y Nakamura, ...
IPSJ Trans. Adv. Comput. Syst 6, 43, 2013
A study of operational impact on power usage effectiveness using facility metrics and server operation logs in the K computer
M Terai, F Shoji, T Tsukamoto, Y Yamochi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 509-513, 2020
Tie-formation process within the communities of the Japanese production network: application of an exponential random graph model
H Krichene, A Chakraborty, Y Fujiwara, H Inoue, M Terai
Applied Network Science 4, 1-22, 2019
K-scope: A java-based fortran source code analyzer with graphical user interface for performance improvement
M Terai, H Murai, K Minami, M Yokokawa, E Tomiyama
2012 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 434-443, 2012
Shock propagation through customer-supplier relationships: an application of the stochastic actor-oriented model
Y Arata, A Chakraborty, Y Fujiwara, H Inoue, H Krichene, M Terai
Complex Networks & Their Applications VI: Proceedings of Complex Networks …, 2018
Workload classification and performance analysis using job metrics in the k computer
M Terai, R Kashiwaki, F Shoji
IPSJ SIG Technical Report 13, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2017
MPI-OpenMP hybrid parallel computation in continuous-velocity lattice-gas model
M Terai, T Matsuzawa
Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2005, 477-484, 2006
CCA/EBT: Code comprehension assistance tool for evidencebased performance tuning, January 2018
M Hashimoto, M Terai, T Maeda, K Minami
Poster presented at International Conference on High Performance Computing …, 0
The large-scale parallelization of the Boids model on the K computer and the heterogeneous multi-processing unit
Y Hirokawa, M Terai, T Matsuzawa, N Nishikawa, T Asano
Artificial Life and Robotics 25, 24-29, 2020
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Articles 1–20