Jakub Šafařík
DoS attacks targeting SIP server and improvements of robustness
M Voznak, J Safarik
International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 (1), 177-184, 2012
Genetic algorithm for automatic tuning of neural network hyperparameters
J Safarik, J Jalowiczor, E Gresak, J Rozhon
Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Vehicles, Security, and the Internet of …, 2018
Automatic analysis of attack data from distributed honeypot network
J Safarik, MI Voznak, F Rezac, P Partila, K Tomala
Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2013 8755 …, 2013
Reduction in robotic arm energy consumption by particle swarm optimization
A Vysocký, R Papřok, J Šafařík, T Kot, Z Bobovský, P Novák, V Snášel
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8241, 2020
Automatic classification of attacks on IP telephony
J Safarik, P Partila, F Rezac, L Macura, M Voznak
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 11 (6), 481-486, 2013
Threat prevention and intrusion detection in VoIP infrastructures
M Voznak, J Safarik, F Rezac
International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 7 (1), 69-76, 2013
Method for robot manipulator joint wear reduction by finding the optimal robot placement in a robotic cell
T Kot, Z Bobovský, A Vysocký, V Krys, J Šafařík, R Ružarovský
Applied Sciences 11 (12), 5398, 2021
A methodology for measuring voice quality using PESQ and interactive voice response in the GSM channel designed by openBTS
P Partila, M Kohut, M Voznak, M Mikulec, J Safarik, K Tomala
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 11 (5), 380-386, 2013
IP telephony server emulation for monitoring and analysis of malicious activity in VOIP network
J Safarik, M Voznak, F Rezac, L Macura
Communications-Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 15 (2A), 191-196, 2013
JPEG steganography with particle swarm optimization accelerated by AVX
V Snasel, P Kromer, J Safarik, J Platos
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (8), e5448, 2020
Malicious traffic monitoring and its evaluation in VoIP infrastructure
J Safarik, M Voznak, F Rezac, L Macura
2012 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2012
Neural network classifier of attacks in IP telephony
J Safarik, M Voznak, M Mehic, P Partila, M Mikulec
Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net …, 2014
SIP proxy robustness against DoS attacks
M Voznak, J Safarik
Proceedings of the Applied Computing Conference, 223-227, 2011
Security evaluation of multimedia systems
J Safarik, M Voznak, F Rezac
TERENA Networking Conference, 2012
Multi-agent system for monitoring the quality of speech in computer networks
F Rezac, J Rozhon, M Voznak, J Slachta, J Safarik
2015 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2015
Using DNS amplification DDoS attack for hiding data
M Mehić, M Voznak, J Safarik, P Partila, M Mikulec
Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, Security, and Applications 2014 9120 …, 2014
Emotional state and its impact on voice authentication accuracy
M Voznak, P Partila, M Penhaker, T Peterek, K Tomala, F Rezac, J Safarik
Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net …, 2013
Detection of changes in the qualitative parameters for LoRaWAN and SigFox network
E Gresak, J Jalowiczor, J Rozhon, F Rezac, J Safarik
Disruptive Technologies in Information Sciences II 11013, 138-143, 2019
Development and deployment of the main parts of LoRaWAN private network
J Jalowiczor, E Gresak, F Rezac, J Rozhon, J Safarik
Autonomous Systems: Sensors, Processing, and Security for Vehicles and …, 2019
Analysis of the ip telephony security issues using automatic neural network classifier
F Rezac, J Rozhon, J Safarik, M Voznak, Z Bajakova
2016 24th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and …, 2016
論文 1–20