Delaram Jarchi
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Cited by
A review on accelerometry-based gait analysis and emerging clinical applications
D Jarchi, J Pope, TKM Lee, L Tamjidi, A Mirzaei, S Sanei
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 11, 177-194, 2018
Description of a database containing wrist PPG signals recorded during physical exercise with both accelerometer and gyroscope measures of motion
D Jarchi, AJ Casson
Data 2 (1), 1, 2016
A generic deep learning based cough analysis system from clinically validated samples for point-of-need COVID-19 test and severity levels
J Andreu-Perez, H Pérez-Espinosa, E Timonet, M Kiani, MI Girón-Pérez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (3), 1220-1232, 2021
Gyroscope vs. Accelerometer measurements of motion from wrist ppg during physical exercise
AJ Casson, AV Galvez, D Jarchi
ICT Express 2 (4), 175-179, 2016
Gait Parameter Estimation From a Miniaturized Ear-Worn Sensor Using Singular Spectrum Analysis and Longest Common Subsequence
D Jarchi, C Wong, R Kwasnicki, B Heller, G Tew, G Yang
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 61 (4), 1261 - 1273, 2014
Accelerometry-Based Estimation of Respiratory Rate for Post-Intensive Care Patient Monitoring
D Jarchi, SJ Rodgers, L Tarassenko, DA Clifton
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (12), 4981-4989, 2018
Towards photoplethysmography-based estimation of instantaneous heart rate during physical activity
D Jarchi, AJ Casson
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64 (9), 2042-2053, 2017
Applied machine learning for the prediction of growth of abdominal aortic aneurysm in humans
R Lee, D Jarchi, R Perera, A Jones, I Cassimjee, A Handa, DA Clifton, ...
EJVES Short Reports 39, 24-28, 2018
Skill acquisition and stress adaptations following laparoscopic surgery training and detraining in novice surgeons
BT Crewther, K Shetty, D Jarchi, S Selvadurai, CJ Cook, DR Leff, A Darzi, ...
Surgical endoscopy 30, 2961-2968, 2016
Validation of Instantaneous Respiratory Rate Using Reflectance PPG from Different Body Positions
D Jarchi, D Salvi, L Tarassenko, D Clifton
Sensors 18 (11), 3705, 2018
Regional coherence evaluation in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease based on adaptively extracted magnetoencephalogram rhythms
J Escudero, S Sanei, D Jarchi, D Abásolo, R Hornero
Physiological measurement 32 (8), 1163, 2011
Estimation of HRV and SpO2 from wrist-worn commercial sensors for clinical settings
D Jarchi, D Salvi, C Velardo, A Mahdi, L Tarassenko, DA Clifton
2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body …, 2018
Recognition of Patient Groups with Sleep Related Disorders using Bio-signal Processing and Deep Learning
D Jarchi, J Andreu-Perez, M Kiani, O Vysata, J Kuchynka, A Prochazka, ...
Sensors 20 (9), 2594, 2020
A robust approach for optimization of the measurement matrix in compressed sensing
V Abolghasemi, D Jarchi, S Sanei
2010 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, 388-392, 2010
Body sensor networking, design and algorithms
S Sanei, D Jarchi, AG Constantinides
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Coupled particle filtering: A new approach for P300-based analysis of mental fatigue
D Jarchi, S Sanei, HR Mohseni, MM Lorist
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 6 (2), 175-185, 2011
A new spatiotemporal filtering method for single-trial estimation of correlated ERP subcomponents
D Jarchi, S Sanei, JC Principe, B Makkiabadi
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (1), 132-143, 2010
Estimation of heart rate from foot worn photoplethysmography sensors during fast bike exercise
D Jarchi, AJ Casson
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 3155-3158, 2016
Gait analysis from a single ear-worn sensor: Reliability and clinical evaluation for orthopaedic patients
D Jarchi, B Lo, C Wong, E Ieong, D Nathwani, GZ Yang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (8 …, 2015
Assessing Functional Mobility After Lower Limb Reconstruction: A Psychometric Evaluation of a Sensor-based Mobility Score
RM Kwasnicki, S Hettiaratchy, D Jarchi, C Nightingale, M Wordsworth, ...
Annals of surgery 261 (4), 800-806, 2015
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Articles 1–20