Inna Safonova, Professor
Inna Safonova, Professor
Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS
確認したメール アドレス: igm.nsc.ru - ホームページ
The timing and extent of the eruption of the Siberian Traps large igneous province: Implications for the end-Permian environmental crisis
MK Reichow, MS Pringle, AI Al'Mukhamedov, MB Allen, VL Andreichev, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (1-2), 9-20, 2009
Accretionary complexes in the Asia-Pacific region: tracing archives of ocean plate stratigraphy and tracking mantle plumes
IY Safonova, M Santosh
Gondwana Research 25 (1), 126-158, 2014
Evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean (Altai-Sayan Region, Central Asia) and collision of possible Gondwana-derived terranes with the southern marginal part of the Siberian continent
T Buslov, M.M., Safonova, I.Yu., Watanabe, T., Obut, O.T., Fujiwara, Y ...
Geosciences journal 5 (3), 203-224, 2001
Recognition of ocean plate stratigraphy in accretionary orogens through Earth history: A record of 3.8 billion years of sea floor spreading, subduction, and accretion
TM Kusky, BF Windley, I Safonova, K Wakita, J Wakabayashi, A Polat, ...
Gondwana Research 24 (2), 501-547, 2013
Late Paleozoic faults of the Altai region, Central Asia: tectonic pattern and model of formation
MM Buslov, T Watanabe, Y Fujiwara, K Iwata, LV Smirnova, IY Safonova, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 23 (5), 655-671, 2004
A new concept of continental construction in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
I Safonova, R Seltmann, A Kröner, D Gladkochub, K Schulmann, W Xiao, ...
Episodes 34 (3), 186, 2011
Geochemistry and U–Pb detrital zircon dating of Paleozoic graywackes in East Junggar, NW China: Insights into subduction–accretion processes in the southern Central Asian …
X Long, C Yuan, M Sun, I Safonova, W Xiao, Y Wang
Gondwana Research 21 (2-3), 637-653, 2012
Pacific superplume-related oceanic basalts hosted by accretionary complexes of Central Asia, Russian Far East and Japan
IY Safonova, A Utsunomiya, S Kojima, S Nakae, O Tomurtogoo, ...
Gondwana Research 16 (3-4), 587-608, 2009
Juvenile versus recycled crust in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications from ocean plate stratigraphy, blueschist belts and intra-oceanic arcs
I Safonova
Gondwana Research 47, 6-27, 2017
Intra-oceanic arcs of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
I Safonova, A Kotlyarov, S Krivonogov, W Xiao
Gondwana Research 50, 167-194, 2017
Intraplate magmatism and oceanic plate stratigraphy of the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Pacific Oceans from 600 to 140 Ma
IY Safonova
Ore Geology Reviews 35 (2), 137-154, 2009
Middle Paleozoic mafic magmatism and ocean plate stratigraphy of the South Tianshan, Kyrgyzstan
I Safonova, G Biske, RL Romer, R Seltmann, V Simonov, S Maruyama
Gondwana Research 30, 236-256, 2016
Fragments of Vendian-Early Carboniferous oceanic crust of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in foldbelts of the Altai-Sayan region of Central Asia: geochemistry, biostratigraphy and …
IY Safonova, MM Buslov, K Iwata, DA Kokh
Gondwana Research 7 (3), 771-790, 2004
Recognizing OIB and MORB in accretionary complexes: A new approach based on ocean plate stratigraphy, petrology and geochemistry
I Safonova, S Maruyama, S Kojima, T Komiya, S Krivonogov, K Koshida
Gondwana Research 33, 92-114, 2016
LA ICP MS U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from Russia largest rivers: implications for major granitoid events in Eurasia and global episodes of supercontinent formation
I Safonova, S Maruyama, T Hirata, Y Kon, S Rino
Journal of Geodynamics 50 (3-4), 134-153, 2010
Late Paleozoic oceanic basalts hosted by the Char suture-shear zone, East Kazakhstan: geological position, geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting
IY Safonova, VA Simonov, EV Kurganskaya, OT Obut, RL Romer, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 49, 20-39, 2012
Geometry, kinematics and tectonic models of the Kazakhstan orocline, central Asian orogenic belt
P Li, M Sun, G Rosenbaum, C Yuan, I Safonova, K Cai, Y Jiang, Y Zhang
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 153, 42-56, 2018
Geochemical characterization of ophiolites in the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Magmatically and tectonically diverse evolution of the Mesozoic Neotethyan oceanic crust
H Furnes, Y Dilek, G Zhao, I Safonova, M Santosh
Earth-Science Reviews 208, 103258, 2020
Ophiolites of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochemical and petrological characterization and tectonic settings
H Furnes, I Safonova
Geoscience Frontiers 10 (4), 1255-1284, 2019
Mud volcano origin of the Mottled Zone, South Levant
I Novikov, Y Vapnik, I Safonova
Geoscience Frontiers 4 (59), 597-619, 2013
論文 1–20