Takafumi Ogawa
Takafumi Ogawa
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
確認したメール アドレス: jfcc.or.jp
Ferroelectricity in wurtzite structure simple chalcogenide
H Moriwake, A Konishi, T Ogawa, K Fujimura, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (24), 242909, 2014
Structure of spherical Yukawa clusters: A model for dust particles in dusty plasmas in an isotropic environment
H Totsuji, T Ogawa, C Totsuji, K Tsuruta
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (3 …, 2005
Lattice dynamics and ferroelectric properties of the nitride perovskite LaWN 3
YW Fang, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, XW Shen, T Ogawa, H Moriwake, ...
Physical Review B 95, 014111, 2017
Direct Measurement of Electronic Band Structures at Oxide Grain Boundaries
J Wei, T Ogawa, B Feng, T Yokoi, R Ishikawa, A Kuwabara, K Matsunaga, ...
Nano Letters 20 (4), 2530-2536, 2020
Mechanism of polarization switching in wurtzite-structured zinc oxide thin films
A Konishi, T Ogawa, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, T Shimizu, S Yasui, M Itoh, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (10), 102903, 2016
Density functional study of the phase stability and Raman spectra of Yb 2 O 3, Yb 2 SiO 5 and Yb 2 Si 2 O 7 under pressure
T Ogawa, N Otani, T Yokoi, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, H Moriwake, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (24), 16518-16527, 2018
Core–Shell Double Doping of Zn and Ca on β-Ga2O3 Photocatalysts for Remarkable Water Splitting
A Yamakata, JJM Vequizo, T Ogawa, K Kato, S Tsuboi, N Furutani, ...
ACS Catalysis 11 (4), 1911-1919, 2021
A computational search for wurtzite-structured ferroelectrics with low coercive voltages
H Moriwake, R Yokoi, A Taguchi, T Ogawa, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, ...
APL Materials 8 (12), 121102, 2020
Ordering of dust particles in dusty plasmas under microgravity
H Totsuji, C Totsuji, T Ogawa, K Tsuruta
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (4 …, 2005
Impact of Lithium-Ion Ordering on Surface Electronic States of
K Iwaya, T Ogawa, T Minato, K Miyoshi, J Takeuchi, A Kuwabara, ...
Physical review letters 111 (12), 126104, 2013
The electric field induced ferroelectric phase transition of AgNbO3
H Moriwake, A Konishi, T Ogawa, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, D Fu
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (6), 064102, 2016
Dopant arrangements in Y-doped BaZrO3 under processing conditions and their impact on proton conduction: a large-scale first-principles thermodynamics study
S Kasamatsu, S Osamu, T Ogawa, A Kuwabara
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8, 12674-12686, 2020
Adsorption and diffusion of oxygen atoms on a Pt (211) stepped surface
T Ogawa, A Kuwabara, CAJ Fisher, H Moriwake, T Miwa
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (19), 9772-9778, 2013
A density functional study of vacancy formation in grain boundaries of undoped α-alumina
T Ogawa, A Kuwabara, CAJ Fisher, H Moriwake, K Matsunaga, K Tsuruta, ...
Acta Materialia 69, 365-371, 2014
Polarization fluctuations in the perovskite-structured ferroelectric
H Moriwake, A Konishi, T Ogawa, CAJ Fisher, A Kuwabara, K Shitara, ...
Physical Review B 97 (22), 224104, 2018
Effect of Water Vapor on Mass Transfer in Polycrystalline Yb2Si2O7 under Oxygen Potential Gradients at High Temperatures
M Wada, T Matsudaira, N Kawashima, M Takeuchi, D Yokoe, T Ogawa, ...
Acta Materialia 201, 373-385, 2020
Systematic analysis of electron energy-loss near-edge structures in Li-ion battery materials
M Saitoh, X Gao, T Ogawa, YH Ikuhara, S Kobayashi, CAJ Fisher, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (38), 25052-25061, 2018
Spontaneously formed nanostructures in double perovskite rare-earth tantalates for thermal barrier coatings
T Ogawa, T Matsudaira, D Yokoe, E Kawai, N Kawashima, CAJ Fisher, ...
Acta Materialia 216, 117152, 2021
Effects of an oxygen potential gradient and water vapor on mass transfer in polycrystalline alumina at high temperatures
T Matsudaira, S Kitaoka, N Shibata, Y Ikuhara, M Takeuchi, T Ogawa
Acta Materialia 151, 21-30, 2018
Two-step melting of spherical Yukawa and Coulomb clusters
T Ogawa, H Totsuji, C Totsuji, K Tsuruta
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75 (12), 123501-123501, 2006
論文 1–20