Ehsan Kamjoo
A stochastic framework using Bayesian optimization algorithm to assess the network-level societal impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles
F Fakhrmoosavi, E Kamjoo, M Kavianipour, A Zockaie, A Talebpour, ...
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 139, 103663, 2022
Investigating changes in travel behavior over time in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
A Rostami, E Kamjoo, A Bamney, N Gupta, PT Savolainen, A Zockaie
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 96, 133-154, 2023
Effects of electric vehicle adoption for state-wide intercity trips on emission saving and energy consumption
M Kavianipour, H Mozafari, E Kamjoo, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, R Jackson
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 17 (8), 883-896, 2023
Effects of Electric Vehicle Adoption for State-Wide Intercity Trips on Emission Saving and Energy Consumption
M Kavianipour, H Mozafari, M Ghamami, A Zockaie, R Jackson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04773, 2020
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect driver speed selection and crash risk on rural freeways?
N Gupta, A Bamney, A Rostami, E Kamjoo, PT Savolainen
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 97, 181-206, 2023
Assessing the network-wide impacts of dedicated lanes for connected autonomous vehicles
F Fakhrmoosavi, E Kamjoo, A Zockaie, A Mittal, J Fishelson
Transportation Research Record 2677 (3), 371-388, 2023
Developing car-following models for winter maintenance operations incorporating machine learning methods
E Kamjoo, R Saedi, A Zockaie, M Ghamami, T Gates, A Talebpour
Transportation research record 2677 (2), 519-540, 2023
Estimating path travel costs in large-scale networks using machine-learning techniques
A Rostami, E Kamjoo, F Fakhrmoosavi, A Zockaie
Transportation Research Record 2678 (2), 57-75, 2024
Investigating Changes in Travel Behavior Over Time in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Rostami, E Kamjoo, A Bamney, N Gupta, P Savolainen, A Zockaie
Available at SSRN 4291151, 2022
A simulation‐based approach for optimizing the placement of dedicated lanes for autonomous vehicles in large‐scale networks
E Kamjoo, A Rostami, F Fakhrmoosavi, A Zockaie
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024
Measures and Analytical Procedures to Assess Highway System Performance: Michigan Case Study
E Kamjoo
Michigan State University, 2023
Assessing System Performance of the Michigan Trunkline: Measures and Analytical Procedures for Planning and Operations
A Zockaie, E Kamjoo, F Jazlan, WB Eisele, M Ghamami, T Gates, ...
Michigan. Dept. of Transportation. Research Administration, 2022
論文 1–12