Chaowei Tan
Chaowei Tan
FocusAI Inc.
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Cited by
Automated anatomical landmark detection ondistal femur surface using convolutional neural network
D Yang, S Zhang, Z Yan, C Tan, K Li, D Metaxas
2015 IEEE 12th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 17-21, 2015
Deep multi-task and task-specific feature learning network for robust shape preserved organ segmentation
C Tan, L Zhao, Z Yan, K Li, D Metaxas, Y Zhan
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
3D motion modeling and reconstruction of left ventricle wall in cardiac MRI
D Yang, P Wu, C Tan, KM Pohl, L Axel, D Metaxas
Functional Imaging and Modelling of the Heart: 9th International Conference …, 2017
Atlas-based liver segmentation and hepatic fat-fraction assessment for clinical trials
Z Yan, S Zhang, C Tan, H Qin, B Belaroussi, HJ Yu, C Miller, DN Metaxas
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 41, 80-92, 2015
Collaborative multi-agent learning for MR knee articular cartilage segmentation
C Tan, Z Yan, S Zhang, K Li, DN Metaxas
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
An automated and robust framework for quantification of muscle and fat in the thigh
C Tan, Z Yan, S Zhang, B Belaroussi, HJ Yu, C Miller, DN Metaxas
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3173-3178, 2014
Image registration based wide-field-of-view method in ultrasound imaging
C Tan, DC Liu
2008 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2008
Fedlearn-algo: A flexible open-source privacy-preserving machine learning platform
B Liu, C Tan, J Wang, T Zeng, H Shan, H Yao, H Huang, P Dai, L Bo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.04129, 2021
Dealing with heterogeneous 3d mr knee images: A federated few-shot learning method with dual knowledge distillation
X He, C Tan, B Liu, L Si, W Yao, L Zhao, D Liu, Q Zhangli, Q Chang, K Li, ...
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1-5, 2023
Effective 3D humerus and scapula extraction using low-contrast and high-shape-variability MR data
X He, C Tan, Y Qiao, V Tan, D Metaxas, K Li
Medical Imaging 2019: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and …, 2019
Accurate thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification using a data-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model
C Tan, Z Yan, D Yang, K Li, HJ Yu, K Engelke, C Miller, D Metaxas
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1130-1134, 2015
Automatic liver segmentation and hepatic fat fraction assessment in MRI
Z Yan, C Tan, S Zhang, Y Zhou, B Belaroussi, HJ Yu, C Miller, ...
2014 22nd International Conference on pattern recognition, 3280-3285, 2014
Data augmentation for object detection via differentiable neural rendering
G Ning, G Chen, C Tan, S Luo, L Bo, H Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.02852, 2021
DMCVR: Morphology-Guided Diffusion Model for 3D Cardiac Volume Reconstruction
X He, C Tan, L Han, B Liu, L Axel, K Li, DN Metaxas
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2023
Role of lower limb muscle strength in knee osteoarthritis progression for patients with mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis
C Xu, Y Nie, C Tan, Y Zeng, HB Si, ZK Zhou, B Shen, W Song, K Li
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 101 (5), 433-438, 2022
A detection-driven and sparsity-constrained deformable model for fascia lata labeling and thigh inter-muscular adipose quantification
C Tan, K Li, Z Yan, D Yang, S Zhang, HJ Yu, K Engelke, C Miller, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 151, 80-89, 2016
Local coherence based fast speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion
B Wang, C Tan, DC Liu
Proceedings of, 304-309, 2008
Towards large-scale MR thigh image analysis via an integrated quantification framework
C Tan, K Li, Z Yan, J Yi, P Wu, HJ Yu, K Engelke, DN Metaxas
Neurocomputing 229, 63-76, 2017
Real-time scan conversion for ultrasound imaging based on CUDA with Direct3D display
L Wang, D Shi, A Zhao, C Tan, DC Liu
2011 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical …, 2011
Adaptive mesh optimization and nonrigid motion recovery based image registration for wide-field-of-view ultrasound imaging
C Tan, B Wang, P Liu, D Liu
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
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Articles 1–20