Zoltán Ádám Milacski
Zoltán Ádám Milacski
確認したメール アドレス: andrew.cmu.edu
MADGAN: Unsupervised medical anomaly detection GAN using multiple adjacent brain MRI slice reconstruction
C Han, L Rundo, K Murao, T Noguchi, Y Shimahara, ZÁ Milacski, ...
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-20, 2021
Cogs: Controllable gaussian splatting
H Yu, J Julin, ZÁ Milacski, K Niinuma, LA Jeni
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Dylin: Making light field networks dynamic
H Yu, J Julin, ZA Milacski, K Niinuma, LA Jeni
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
GAN-based multiple adjacent brain MRI slice reconstruction for unsupervised Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis
C Han, L Rundo, K Murao, ZÁ Milacski, K Umemoto, E Sala, H Nakayama, ...
International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for …, 2019
Robust Detection of Anomalies via Sparse Methods
ZÁ Milacski, M Ludersdorfer, A Lorincz, P van der Smagt
22nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2015
Towards reasoning based representations: Deep consistence seeking machine
A Lőrincz, M Csákvári, Á Fóthi, ZÁ Milacski, A Sárkány, Z Tősér
Cognitive Systems Research 47, 92-108, 2018
Columnar Machine: Fast estimation of structured sparse codes
A Lőrincz, ZÁ Milacski, B Pintér, AL Verő
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 15, 19-33, 2016
Iterative calibration method for microscopic road traffic simulators
T Tettamanti, ZÁ Milacski, A Lőrincz, I Varga
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 43 (2), 87-91, 2015
Differentiable Unrolled Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for OneNet
ZÁ Milacski, B Póczos, A Lőrincz
30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2019
Estimating cartesian compression via deep learning
A Lőrincz, A Sárkány, ZÁ Milacski, Z Tősér
Artificial General Intelligence: 9th International Conference, AGI 2016, New …, 2016
MotionGPT: Human Motion Synthesis with Improved Diversity and Realism via GPT-3 Prompting
J Ribeiro-Gomes, T Cai, ZÁ Milacski, C Wu, A Prakash, S Takagi, A Aubel, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
Multi object tracking for similar instances: a hybrid architecture
Á Fóthi, KB Faragó, L Kopácsi, ZÁ Milacski, V Varga, A Lőrincz
Neural Information Processing: 27th International Conference, ICONIP 2020 …, 2020
Group k-Sparse Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks: Unsupervised Pretraining for Video Classification
ZÁ Milacski, B Póczos, A Lőrincz
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2019
Cost and risk sensitive decision making and control for highway overtaking maneuver
A Mihály, ZÁ Milacski, Z Tősér, A Lőrincz, T Tettamanti, I Varga
2015 International conference on models and technologies for intelligent …, 2015
Cognitive deep machine can train itself
A Lőrincz, M Csákvári, Á Fóthi, ZÁ Milacski, A Sárkány, Z Tősér
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00745, 2016
Unsupervised Style-based Explicit 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Image
H Yu, ZA Milacski, LA Jeni
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Declarative description: The meeting point of artificial intelligence deep neural networks and human intelligence
Z Milacski, K Faragó, A Fóthi, V Varga, A Lorincz
XAI 2018, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Explainable Artificial …, 2018
Speech de-identification with deep neural networks
Á Fodor, L Kopácsi, ZÁ Milacski, A Lőrincz
Acta Cybernetica 25 (2), 257-269, 2021
Adversarial perturbation stability of the layered group basis pursuit
D Szeghy, ZA Milacski, A Fóthi, A Lorincz
def 1, 2, 2021
VideoOneNet: bidirectional convolutional recurrent onenet with trainable data steps for video processing
ZA Milacski, B Póczos, A Lőrincz
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 6893-6904, 2020
論文 1–20