確認したメール アドレス: nims.go.jp
Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle graphene superlattices
Y Cao, V Fatemi, S Fang, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, E Kaxiras, ...
Nature 556 (7699), 43-50, 2018
Boron nitride substrates for high-quality graphene electronics
CR Dean, AF Young, I Meric, C Lee, L Wang, S Sorgenfrei, K Watanabe, ...
Nature nanotechnology 5 (10), 722-726, 2010
Correlated insulator behaviour at half-filling in magic-angle graphene superlattices
Y Cao, V Fatemi, A Demir, S Fang, SL Tomarken, JY Luo, ...
Nature 556 (7699), 80-84, 2018
Direct-bandgap properties and evidence for ultraviolet lasing of hexagonal boron nitride single crystal
K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, H Kanda
Nature materials 3 (6), 404-409, 2004
One-dimensional electrical contact to a two-dimensional material
L Wang, I Meric, PY Huang, Q Gao, Y Gao, H Tran, T Taniguchi, ...
Science 342 (6158), 614-617, 2013
Micrometer-scale ballistic transport in encapsulated graphene at room temperature
AS Mayorov, RV Gorbachev, SV Morozov, L Britnell, R Jalil, ...
Nano letters 11 (6), 2396-2399, 2011
Tuning superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
M Yankowitz, S Chen, H Polshyn, Y Zhang, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Science 363 (6431), 1059-1064, 2019
Hofstadter’s butterfly and the fractal quantum Hall effect in moiré superlattices
CR Dean, L Wang, P Maher, C Forsythe, F Ghahari, Y Gao, J Katoch, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 598-602, 2013
Massive Dirac fermions and Hofstadter butterfly in a van der Waals heterostructure
B Hunt, JD Sanchez-Yamagishi, AF Young, M Yankowitz, BJ LeRoy, ...
Science 340 (6139), 1427-1430, 2013
Light-emitting diodes by band-structure engineering in van der Waals heterostructures
F Withers, O Del Pozo-Zamudio, A Mishchenko, AP Rooney, A Gholinia, ...
Nature materials 14 (3), 301-306, 2015
Emergent ferromagnetism near three-quarters filling in twisted bilayer graphene
AL Sharpe, EJ Fox, AW Barnard, J Finney, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Science 365 (6453), 605-608, 2019
Electrically tunable excitonic light-emitting diodes based on monolayer WSe2 p–n junctions
JS Ross, P Klement, AM Jones, NJ Ghimire, J Yan, DG Mandrus, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (4), 268-272, 2014
Superconductors, orbital magnets and correlated states in magic-angle bilayer graphene
X Lu, P Stepanov, W Yang, M Xie, MA Aamir, I Das, C Urgell, K Watanabe, ...
Nature 574 (7780), 653-657, 2019
Scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy of ultra-flat graphene on hexagonal boron nitride
J Xue, J Sanchez-Yamagishi, D Bulmash, P Jacquod, A Deshpande, ...
Nature materials 10 (4), 282-285, 2011
Intrinsic quantized anomalous Hall effect in a moiré heterostructure
M Serlin, CL Tschirhart, H Polshyn, Y Zhang, J Zhu, K Watanabe, ...
Science 367 (6480), 900-903, 2020
Multi-terminal transport measurements of MoS2 using a van der Waals heterostructure device platform
X Cui, GH Lee, YD Kim, G Arefe, PY Huang, CH Lee, DA Chenet, X Zhang, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (6), 534-540, 2015
Deep ultraviolet light-emitting hexagonal boron nitride synthesized at atmospheric pressure
Y Kubota, K Watanabe, O Tsuda, T Taniguchi
Science 317 (5840), 932-934, 2007
Evidence for moiré excitons in van der Waals heterostructures
K Tran, G Moody, F Wu, X Lu, J Choi, K Kim, A Rai, DA Sanchez, J Quan, ...
Nature 567 (7746), 71-75, 2019
Hunting for monolayer boron nitride: optical and Raman signatures
RV Gorbachev, I Riaz, RR Nair, R Jalil, L Britnell, BD Belle, EW Hill, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1008.2868, 2010
Emergence of superlattice Dirac points in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride
M Yankowitz, J Xue, D Cormode, JD Sanchez-Yamagishi, K Watanabe, ...
Nature physics 8 (5), 382-386, 2012
論文 1–20