Sources of productivity improvement in industrial clusters: The case of the prewar Japanese silk-reeling industry Y Arimoto, K Nakajima, T Okazaki Regional Science and Urban Economics 46, 27-41, 2014 | 129* | 2014 |
Foreign aid and recurrent cost: donor competition, aid proliferation, and budget support Y Arimoto, H Kono Review of development economics 13 (2), 276-287, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
農地の流動化と集積をめぐる論点と展望 有本寛, 中嶋晋作 農業経済研究 82 (1), 23-35, 2010 | 31* | 2010 |
The Impact of Farmland Readjustment and Consolidation on Structural Adjustment: The Case of Niigata, Japan Y Arimoto Center for Economic Institutions Working Paper Series (2011-3), 2011 | 23* | 2011 |
State-contingent rent reduction and tenancy contract choice Y Arimoto Journal of Development Economics 76 (2), 355-375, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
Stigma, social relationship and HIV testing in the workplace: evidence from South Africa Y Arimoto, S Ito, Y Kudo, K Tsukada Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, 2013 | 20* | 2013 |
Agrarian land tenancy in prewar Japan: Contract choice and implications on productivity Y Arimoto, T Okazaki, M Nakabayashi The Developing Economies 48 (3), 293-318, 2010 | 16 | 2010 |
農地集積と農地市場 有本寛, 中嶋晋作 農業経済研究 85 (2), 70-79, 2013 | 14* | 2013 |
Participatory rural development in 1930s Japan: the economic rehabilitation movement Y Arimoto The Developing Economies 50 (2), 170-192, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Is there any premium for unobservable quality?: a hedonic price analysis of the Malagasy rice market T Sakurai, T Ralandison, K Takahashi, Y Arimoto, H Kono Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, 2015 | 8* | 2015 |
Rice Trading in Madagascar: Report on Rice Trader Survey 2011 Y Arimoto, T Sakurai, M Tanaka, R Tsilavo Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
「1930年代日本の農家負債:『農家負債に関する調査』のミクロデータ分析 有本寛, 藤栄剛, 仙田徹志 経済研究 64 (1), 13-29, 2013 | 7* | 2013 |
小作争議の府県パネルデータ分析: 1915~ 29 年日本の労働市場と農業再編 有本寛, 坂根嘉弘 社会経済史学 73 (5), 527-544, 2008 | 7* | 2008 |
Land and labor reallocation in pre-modern Japan: a case of a northeastern village in 1720-1870 Y Arimoto, S Kurosu Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
区画の交換による農地の団地化は可能か?─ シミュレーションによるアプローチ─ 有本寛, 中嶋晋作, 富田康治 農業経済研究 86 (3), 193-206, 2014 | 6* | 2014 |
換地選定をめぐる利害対立と合意形成-新潟県新発田北部地区の事例 中嶋晋作, 有本寛 農村計画学会誌 30 (1), 65-73, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Price and Nonprice Information Frictions in Regional Arbitrage: The Case of Rice Traders in Antananarivo, Madagascar Y Arimoto, H Kono, T Ralandison, T Sakurai, K Takahashi Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (2), 273-313, 2019 | 5* | 2019 |
Hatten tojō keizai ni okeru nōsanbutsu shijō to ryūtsū no kaizen: kindai nihon no komes shijō ni okeru beikoku kensa to hyōjunka [Improvement of agricultural markets and … Y Arimoto Ajia keizai [Quarterly Journal of the Institute of Developing Economies …, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Farmland consolidation by plot exchange: A simulation-based approach Y Arimoto, S Nakajima, K Tomita The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics 18, 1-16, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
開発経済学からみた自治村落論 有本寛 農業史研究 40, 89-96, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |