Jovana Ružić
Jovana Ružić
Associate Research Professor, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade
確認したメール アドレス: vinca.rs
Edible blend films of pectin and poly (ethylene glycol): Preparation and physico-chemical evaluation
S Šešlija, A Nešić, J Ružić, MK Krušić, S Veličković, R Avolio, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 77, 494-501, 2018
Pectin-polyvinylpyrrolidone films: A sustainable approach to the development of biobased packaging materials
A Nešić, J Ružić, M Gordić, S Ostojić, D Micić, A Onjia
Composites Part B: Engineering 110, 56-61, 2017
Mo segregation and distribution in Ti–Mo alloy investigated using nanoindentation
J Ruzic, S Emura, X Ji, I Watanabe
Materials Science and Engineering A 718, 48-55, 2018
Microstructural characterization and artificial aging of compo-casted hybrid A356/SiCp/Grp composites with graphite macroparticles
I Bobić, J Ružić, B Bobić, M Babić, A Vencl, S Mitrović
Materials Science and Engineering: A 612, 7-15, 2014
Safe trapping of cesium into pollucite structure by hot-pressing method
M Omerašević, L Matović, J Ružić, Ž Golubović, U Jovanović, S Mentus, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 474, 35-44, 2016
Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB2 nano and microparticle reinforced copper matrix composite by in situ processings
J Ružić, J Stašić, V Rajković, D Božić
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 62, 409-415, 2014
Strengthening effects in precipitation and dispersion hardened powder metallurgy copper alloys
J Ružić, J Stašić, V Rajković, D Božić
Materials & Design 49, 746-754, 2013
Synthesis and properties of a Cu–Ti–TiB2 composite hardened by multiple mechanisms
D Božić, J Stašić, J Ružić, M Vilotijević, V Rajković
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (28), 8139-8144, 2011
Structural, mechanical and tribological characterization of Zn25Al alloys with Si and Sr addition
A Vencl, I Bobić, F Vučetić, B Bobić, J Ružić
Materials & Design 64, 381-392, 2014
Microstructural and basic mechanical characteristics of ZA27 alloy-based nanocomposites synthesized by mechanical milling and compocasting
B Bobić, A Vencl, J Ružić, I Bobić, Z Damnjanović
Journal of Composite Materials 53 (15), 2033-2046, 2019
Understanding plasma spraying process and characteristics of DC-arc plasma gun (PJ-100)
J Ružić, M Vilotijević, D Božić, K Raić
Metallurgical and materials engineering 18 (4), 273-282, 2012
Analysis of the particle motion during mechanical alloying using EDEM software
N Stoimenov, J Ruzic
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (25), 462-466, 2019
Laser sintering of Cu–Zr–ZrB2 composite
J Stašić, M Trtica, V Rajković, J Ružić, D Božić
Applied surface science 321, 353-357, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of Cu-ZrB2 alloy produced by PM techniques
J Ružić, J Stašić, S Marković, K Raić, D Božić
Science of Sintering 46 (2), 217-224, 2014
Biomimetic synthesis and properties of cellular SiC
M Gordic, D Bucevac, J Ruzic, S Gavrilovic, R Hercigonja, M Stankovic, ...
Ceramics International 40 (2), 3699-3705, 2014
Nano-indentation measurement for heat resistant alloys at elevated temperatures in inert atmosphere
J Ruzic, I Watanabe, K Goto, T Ohmura
Materials transactions 60 (8), 1411-1415, 2019
Temperature-dependent deformation behavior of γ and γ′ single-phase nickel-based superalloys
J Ruzic, K Goto, I Watanabe, T Osada, L Wu, T Ohmura
Materials Science and Engineering: A 818, 141439, 2021
Transformation of Cs-exchanged clinoptilolite to CsAlSi5O12 by hot-pressing
M Omerašević, J Ružić, BN Vasiljević, Z Baščarević, D Bučevac, J Orlić, ...
Ceramics International 43 (16), 13500-13504, 2017
High pressure densification of nanocrystalline mullite powder
S Ilić, S Zec, M Rosić, V Maksimović, J Ružić, V Urbanovich, B Matović
Ceramics International 42 (4), 5319-5325, 2016
Predicting Low-Modulus Biocompatible Titanium Alloys Using Machine Learning
G Marković, V Manojlović, J Ružić, M Sokić
Materials 16 (19), 6355, 2023
論文 1–20