Ihsan Budi  Rachman
Ihsan Budi Rachman
Lecturer of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Malang
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Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous trapping of Cr (III) and organic dyes by a pH-responsive resin containing zwitterionic aminomethylphosphonate ligands and hydrophobic pendants
SA Ali, IB Rachman, TA Saleh
Chemical Engineering Journal 330, 663-674, 2017
Tailoring hydrophobic branch in polyzwitterionic resin for simultaneous capturing of Hg (II) and methylene blue with response surface optimization
TA Saleh, IB Rachman, SA Ali
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 4573, 2017
Analisis perbandingan proses pengolahan ikan lele terhadap kadar nutrisinya
E Ciptawati, IB Rachman, HO Rusdi, M Alvionita
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis (IJCA) 4 (1), 40-46, 2021
Synthesis of biodiesel from low-quality crude palm oil with heterogeneous catalyst Cao-ZnO
A Santoso, CFA Hanindita, IB Rachman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 515 (1), 012082, 2019
γ-NiOOH electrocatalyst derived from a nickel dithiooxamide chelate polymer for oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline solutions
RP Putra, IB Rachman, H Horino, II Rzeznicka
Catalysis Today 397, 308-315, 2022
The effect of basic catalyst concentration on tobacco oil transesterification (Voor-Oogst) using ultra-sonic wave and its potential as renewable energy
A Santoso, DEK Putri, M Rusdi, SS Sumari-Sumari, AR Wijaya, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2330 (1), 2021
Effect of active zeolite in the pyrolysis of polypropylene and low density polyethylene types of plastic waste
A Santoso, A Sholikhah, S Sumari, MR Asrori, AR Wijaya, R Retnosari, ...
Methods 13, 14, 2022
Antibacterial activity of potassium salt, fatty acids, and methyl esters of candlenut seed oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
S Sutrisno, RD Assyfah, R Retnosari, IB Rachman, HW Wijaya
AIP Conference Proceedings 2231 (1), 2020
Bifunctional Catalytic Activity of γ-NiOOH toward Oxygen Reduction and Oxygen Evolution Reactions in Alkaline Solutions
RP Putra, IB Rachman, H Horino, II Rzeznicka
Oxygen 2 (4), 479-492, 2022
Synthesis of methyl ester from off grade crude palm oil using CaO/a-Fe2O3 and its potential as biodiesel
A Santoso, AA Wijaya, S Sumari, AR Wijaya, IB Rachman, MR Asrori
Latin American Applied Research-An international journal 53 (2), 145-150, 2023
Synthesis of methyl esters from palm oil, candlenut oil, and sunflower seed oil and their corrosion phenomena on iron nail.
A Santoso, N Agustin, S Sumari, S Marfuah, R Retnosari, IB Rachman, ...
AIMS Materials Science 9 (5), 2022
The antibacterial activity of vanillin derivative compounds
R Retnosari, IB Rachman, S Sutrisno, MEF Sari, D Sukarianingsih, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1), 2021
Antibacterial activity of peanut oil (Arachis hypogaea Linn) and its derivatives (K-soap, FFAs, and FAMEs) against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
S Sutrisno, SW Hidayah, D Sukarianingsih, IB Rachman, R Retnosari
AIP Conference Proceedings 2353 (1), 2021
Enhanced densification of screen-printed GDC interlayers for solid oxide fuel cells using nitrate-based precursor in various chelating agents as pore-filling solution
MPG Hanantyo, J Park, Y Namgung, S Park, IB Rachman, SJ Song
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 88, 760-770, 2024
Synthesis of biodiesel from waste cooking oil using heterogeneous catalyst of Na2O/γ-Al2O3 assisted by ultrasonic wave.
A Santoso, TN Kusumah, S Sumari, AR Wijaya, R Retnosari, IB Rachman, ...
AIMS Energy 10 (5), 2022
Konsentrasi Katalis dan Suhu Optimum pada Transesterifikasi Minyak Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya) sebagai Bahan Baku Biodiesel
A Santoso, F Nadia, R Retnosari, AR Wijaya, S Sumari, IB Rachman
Jurnal Kimia dan Terapannya, 4 (1), 29-36, 2020
Synthesis of 9-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-3, 3, 6, 6-tetra-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9-hexahydro-2H-xantene-1 using Lime and Lemon Juice as the Environmentally Friendly Catalyst and Its …
R Retnosari, N Ultiyati, A Santoso, S Marfu'ah, IB Rachman
Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan 43 (2), 473025, 2021
Phosphorylated cerium functionalized Nafion for superior radical scavenging and enhanced proton conductivity in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
IB Rachman, B Singh, A Kumar, Y Yun, MS Islam, JY Park, SJ Song
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 102, 274-283, 2025
Improvement of the Oxidative Stability of CeO2‐Dispersed Hydrocarbon‐Based Polyvinyl Alcohol Cross‐Linked‐Polybenzoxazine as a Proton‐Exchange Membrane
T Senthil, IB Rachman, MS Islam, MPG Hanantyo, SJ Song
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 36 (1), e70064, 2025
A green synthesis of 9-(4-bromophenyl)-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9-hexahydro-1H-xanthene-1, 8 (2H)-dione using lemon juice catalyst assisted by ultrasound and its antibacterial activity
R Retnosari, NE Mayangsari, S Marfu’ah, S Sutrisno, IB Rachman
AIP Conference Proceedings 2818 (1), 2023
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