Johannes Letzgus
Johannes Letzgus
Aerostack GmbH
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Cited by
Hybrid RANS/LES capabilities of the flow solver FLOWer—Application to flow around wind turbines
P Weihing, J Letzgus, G Bangga, T Lutz, E Krämer
Symposium on hybrid RANS-LES methods, 369-380, 2016
Numerical investigations of dynamic stall on a rotor with cyclic pitch control
J Letzgus, AD Gardner, T Schwermer, M Keßler, E Krämer
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 64 (1), 1-14, 2019
Simulation of Dynamic Stall on an Elastic Rotor in High-Speed Turn Flight
J Letzgus, M Keßler, E Krämer
75th Annual Forum of the Vertical Flight Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania …, 2019
Development of alternative shielding functions for detached-eddy simulations
P Weihing, J Letzgus, T Lutz, E Krämer
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling: Papers Contributed to the 7th …, 2019
CFD-simulation of three-dimensional dynamic stall on a rotor with cyclic pitch control
J Letzgus, M Keßler, E Krämer
41th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2015
Dynamic-stall measurements using time-resolved pressure-sensitive paint on double-swept rotor blades
A Weiss, R Geisler, MM Müller, C Klein, U Henne, JN Braukmann, ...
Experiments in Fluids 63, 1-18, 2022
Optimization and HPC-applications of the flow solver FLOWer
J Letzgus, L Dürrwächter, U Schäferlein, M Keßler, E Krämer
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'17: Transactions of …, 2018
Enhancement and application of the flow solver FLOWer
F Frey, J Herb, J Letzgus, P Weihing, M Keßler, E Krämer
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'18: Transactions of …, 2019
Assessment of Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation of Dynamic Stall on a Rotor
J Letzgus, P Weihing, M Keßler, E Krämer
7th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, Berlin, Germany, 2018
Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling ed Y Hoarau
P Weihing, J Letzgus, G Bangga, T Lutz, E Krämer
SH Peng, D Schwamborn and A Revell (Cham: Springer International Publishing …, 2018
Hybrid RANS/LES Capabilities of the Flow Solver FLOWer–Application to Flow Around Wind Turbines, Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modelling, 137, 369–380
P Weihing, J Letzgus, G Bangga, T Lutz, E Krämer
High Performance Computations of Rotorcraft Aerodynamics with the Flow Solver FLOWer
C Öhrle, J Letzgus, M Keßler, E Krämer
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'19: Transactions of …, 2021
Untersuchung der dreidimensionalen dynamischen Strömungsablösung an Rotorblättern
MM Müller, J Letzgus
Progress in IAG’s Rotorcraft Simulation Framework
M Keßler, F Frey, J Letzgus, C Öhrle, J Thiemeier, E Krämer
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering'20: Transactions of …, 2021
High-fidelity simulation of dynamic stall on helicopter rotors
J Letzgus
Progress in Hybrid RANS LES Modelling
P Weihing, J Letzgus, G Bangga, T Lutz, E Kraämer
Go to reference in article, 2018
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Articles 1–16