Feng Li
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Cited by
Geometrical description of the onset of multi-pulsing in mode-locked laser cavities
F Li, PKA Wai, JN Kutz
JOSA B 27 (10), 2068-2077, 2010
Actively mode-locked all fiber laser with cylindrical vector beam output
Y Zhou, A Wang, C Gu, B Sun, L Xu, F Li, D Chung, Q Zhan
Optics Letters 41 (3), 548-550, 2016
All-in-one silicon photonic polarization processor
H Zhou, Y Zhao, Y Wei, F Li, J Dong, X Zhang
Nanophotonics 8 (12), 2257-2267, 2019
High efficiency all-fiber cylindrical vector beam laser using a long-period fiber grating
R Chen, J Wang, X Zhang, A Wang, H Ming, F Li, D Chung, Q Zhan
Optics letters 43 (4), 755-758, 2018
Mid-infrared octave-spanning supercontinuum and frequency comb generation in a suspended germanium-membrane ridge waveguide
J Yuan, Z Kang, F Li, X Zhang, X Sang, Q Wu, B Yan, K Wang, X Zhou, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (14), 2994-3002, 2017
Highly coherent supercontinuum generation with picosecond pulses by using self-similar compression
F Li, Q Li, J Yuan, PKA Wai
Optics Express 22 (22), 27339-27354, 2014
Investigating the influence of a weak continuous-wave-trigger on picosecond supercontinuum generation
Q Li, F Li, KKY Wong, APT Lau, KK Tsia, PKA Wai
Optics Express 19 (15), 13757-13769, 2011
High sensitivity optical fiber sensors for simultaneous measurement of methanol and ethanol
D Liu, R Kumar, F Wei, W Han, AK Mallik, J Yuan, S Wan, X He, Z Kang, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 271, 1-8, 2018
A V-shape photonic crystal fiber polarization filter based on surface plasmon resonance effect
Y Qu, J Yuan, X Zhou, F Li, C Mei, B Yan, Q Wu, K Wang, X Sang, K Long, ...
Optics Communications 452, 1-6, 2019
Deterministic generation of single soliton Kerr frequency comb in microresonators by a single shot pulsed trigger
Z Kang, F Li, J Yuan, K Nakkeeran, JN Kutz, Q Wu, C Yu, PKA Wai
Optics express 26 (14), 18563-18577, 2018
Highly sensitive twist sensor based on partially silver coated hollow core fiber structure
D Liu, R Kumar, F Wei, W Han, AK Mallik, J Yuan, C Yu, Z Kang, F Li, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (17), 3672-3677, 2018
Enhanced intermodal four-wave mixing for visible and near-infrared wavelength generation in a photonic crystal fiber
J Yuan, X Sang, Q Wu, G Zhou, F Li, X Zhou, C Yu, K Wang, B Yan, Y Han, ...
Optics Letters 40 (7), 1338-1341, 2015
Effect of external cavity length on self-mixing signals in a multilongitudinal-mode Fabry–Perot laser diode
L Lv, H Gui, J Xie, T Zhao, X Chen, A Wang, F Li, DY He, J Xu, H Ming
Applied optics 44 (4), 568-571, 2005
Dielectric metasurfaces enabled ultradensely integrated multidimensional optical system
H Zhou, Y Wang, X Gao, D Gao, J Dong, D Huang, F Li, P Alexander Wai, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (4), 2100521, 2022
Impact of spectral filtering on multipulsing instability in mode-locked fiber lasers
X Zhang, F Li, K Nakkeeran, J Yuan, Z Kang, JN Kutz, PKA Wai
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 24 (3), 1-9, 2017
Hollow-core negative curvature fiber with high birefringence for low refractive index sensing based on surface plasmon resonance effect
S Qiu, J Yuan, X Zhou, F Li, Q Wang, Y Qu, B Yan, Q Wu, K Wang, X Sang, ...
Sensors 20 (22), 6539, 2020
High degree picosecond pulse compression in chalcogenide-silicon slot waveguide taper
C Mei, F Li, J Yuan, Z Kang, X Zhang, K Wang, X Sang, Q Wu, B Yan, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (16), 3843-3852, 2016
Reconfigurable time-stretched swept laser source with up to 100 MHz sweep rate, 100 nm bandwidth, and 100 mm OCT imaging range
D Huang, F Li, C Shang, Z Cheng, PKA Wai
Photonics Research 8 (8), 1360-1367, 2020
400 MHz ultrafast optical coherence tomography
D HUANG, F Li, Z HE, Z Cheng, C Shang, PK Wai
Optics Letters 45 (24), 6675, 2020
Dual transmission filters for enhanced energy in mode-locked fiber lasers
F Li, E Ding, JN Kutz, PKA Wai
Optics express 19 (23), 23408-23419, 2011
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Articles 1–20