Zach Jensen
Cited by
Cited by
A Machine Learning Approach to Zeolite Synthesis Enabled by Automatic Literature Data Extraction
Z Jensen, E Kim, S Kwon, TZH Gani, Y Román-Leshkov, M Moliner, ...
ACS central science, 2019
Inorganic materials synthesis planning with literature-trained neural networks
E Kim, Z Jensen, A van Grootel, K Huang, M Staib, S Mysore, HS Chang, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 60 (3), 1194-1201, 2020
A priori control of zeolite phase competition and intergrowth with high-throughput simulations
D Schwalbe-Koda, S Kwon, C Paris, E Bello-Jurado, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, ...
Science 374 (6565), 308-315, 2021
The materials science procedural text corpus: Annotating materials synthesis procedures with shallow semantic structures
S Mysore, Z Jensen, E Kim, K Huang, HS Chang, E Strubell, J Flanigan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.06939, 2019
Discovering relationships between OSDAs and zeolites through data mining and generative neural networks
Z Jensen, S Kwon, D Schwalbe-Koda, C Paris, R Gómez-Bombarelli, ...
ACS central science 7 (5), 858-867, 2021
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth
D Schwalbe-Koda, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, R Gómez-Bombarelli
Nature materials 18 (11), 1177-1181, 2019
Text mining for processing conditions of solid-state battery electrolytes
R Mahbub, K Huang, Z Jensen, ZD Hood, JLM Rupp, EA Olivetti
Electrochemistry Communications 121, 106860, 2020
Interpretable machine learning enabled inorganic reaction classification and synthesis condition prediction
C Karpovich, E Pan, Z Jensen, E Olivetti
Chemistry of Materials 35 (3), 1062-1079, 2023
Sheshera Mysore, Haw-Shiuan Chang, Emma Strubell, Andrew McCallum, Stefanie Jegelka, et al
E Kim, Z Jensen, A van Grootel, K Huang, M Staib
Inorganic materials synthesis planning with literature-trained neural …, 2020
Literature mining for alternative cementitious precursors and dissolution rate modeling of glassy phases
H Uvegi, Z Jensen, TN Hoang, B Traynor, T Aytaş, RT Goodwin, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 104 (7), 3042-3057, 2021
ZeoSyn: A Comprehensive Zeolite Synthesis Dataset Enabling Machine-Learning Rationalization of Hydrothermal Parameters
E Pan, S Kwon, Z Jensen, M Xie, R Gómez-Bombarelli, M Moliner, ...
ACS Central Science 10 (3), 729-743, 2024
Inorganic synthesis reaction condition prediction with generative machine learning
C Karpovich, Z Jensen, V Venugopal, E Olivetti
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09612, 2021
MS-Mentions: consistently annotating entity mentions in materials science procedural text
T O’Gorman, Z Jensen, S Mysore, K Huang, R Mahbub, E Olivetti, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2021
Sheshera Mysore, Kevin Huang, Rubayyat Mahbub, Elsa Olivetti, and Andrew McCallum. 2021. MS-mentions: Consistently annotating entity mentions in materials science procedural text
T O’Gorman, Z Jensen
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 0
A Machine Learning Approach to Zeolite Synthesis Enabled by Automatic Literature Data Extraction, ACS Cent. Sci.(2019)
Z Jensen, E Kim, S Kwon, TZH Gani, Y Román-Leshkov, M Moliner, ...
A Light in the Dark: Leveraging High-Throughput Simulations to Navigate the Complex Energetic Landscape of Templating Organic Molecules Used for Zeolite Synthesis
D Schwalbe-Koda, S Kwon, C Paris, E Bello-Jurado, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, ...
2022 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2022
Repurposing Organic Structure-Directing Agents for a Priori Control of Chabazite Zeolite Phase and Its Application to Methanol-to-Olefin Reaction
D Schwalbe-Koda, S Kwon, C Paris, E Bello-Jurado, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, ...
2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2021
Leveraging High Throughput Simulations for the Synthesis of Small Pore Zeolites with Repurposed Osdas
Y Roman, D Schwalbe-Koda, S Kwon, C Paris, E Bello-Jurado, Z Jensen, ...
2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2021
A Priori Control of Zeolite Phase Competition with High-Throughput Simulations
D Schwalbe-Koda, S Kwon, C Paris, E Bello-Jurado, Z Jensen, E Olivetti, ...
2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2021
Machine Learning in Porous Materials
Z Jensen, E Olivetti
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Articles 1–20