Youichi Yamakawa
Youichi Yamakawa
Department of Phyiscs, Nagoya University
確認したメール アドレス: s.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Line-Node Dirac Semimetal and Topological Insulating Phase in Noncentrosymmetric Pnictides CaAgX (X = P, As)
A Yamakage, Y Yamakawa, Y Tanaka, Y Okamoto
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (1), 013708, 2016
Momentum-dependent sign inversion of orbital order in superconducting FeSe
Y Suzuki, T Shimojima, T Sonobe, A Nakamura, M Sakano, H Tsuji, ...
Physical Review B 92 (20), 205117, 2015
Nematicity and magnetism in FeSe and other families of Fe-based superconductors
Y Yamakawa, S Onari, H Kontani
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021032, 2016
Two types of -wave pairing due to magnetic and orbital fluctuations in the two-dimensional 16-band model for iron-based superconductors
Y Yanagi, Y Yamakawa, Y Ōno
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (5), 054518, 2010
Abrupt change of the superconducting gap structure at the nematic critical point in FeSe1− xSx
Y Sato, S Kasahara, T Taniguchi, X Xing, Y Kasahara, Y Tokiwa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (6), 1227-1231, 2018
Sign-Reversing Orbital Polarization in the Nematic Phase of FeSe due to the Symmetry Breaking in the Self-Energy
S Onari, Y Yamakawa, H Kontani
Physical review letters 116 (22), 227001, 2016
Mechanism of exotic density-wave and beyond-Migdal unconventional superconductivity in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs)
R Tazai, Y Yamakawa, S Onari, H Kontani
Science Advances 8 (13), eabl4108, 2022
Orbital order, structural transition, and superconductivity in iron pnictides
Y Yanagi, Y Yamakawa, N Adachi, Y Ōno
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79 (12), 123707, 2010
Spin-fluctuation-driven nematic charge-density wave in cuprate superconductors: Impact of Aslamazov-Larkin vertex corrections
Y Yamakawa, H Kontani
Physical review letters 114 (25), 257001, 2015
High- Superconductivity near the Anion Height Instability in Fe-Based Superconductors: Analysis of
S Onari, Y Yamakawa, H Kontani
Physical review letters 112 (18), 187001, 2014
Spin-triplet superconductivity in due to orbital and spin fluctuations: Analyses by two-dimensional renormalization group theory and self-consistent vertex …
M Tsuchiizu, Y Yamakawa, S Onari, Y Ohno, H Kontani
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155103, 2015
Observation of Dirac-like energy band and ring-torus Fermi surface associated with the nodal line in topological insulator CaAgAs
D Takane, K Nakayama, S Souma, T Wada, Y Okamoto, K Takenaka, ...
npj Quantum Materials 3 (1), 1, 2018
Linear Response Theory for Shear Modulus and Raman Quadrupole Susceptibility: Evidence for Nematic Orbital Fluctuations in Fe-based Superconductors
H Kontani, Y Yamakawa
Physical review letters 113 (4), 047001, 2014
Low carrier density metal realized in candidate line-node Dirac semimetals CaAgP and CaAgAs
Y Okamoto, T Inohara, A Yamakage, Y Yamakawa, K Takenaka
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 85 (12), 123701, 2016
Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Two-Dimensional 16-Band dp Model for Iron-Based Superconductors
Y Yanagi, Y Yamakawa, Y Ōno
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77 (12), 123701, 2008
Detection of Antiferromagnetic Ordering in Heavily Doped Pnictide Superconductors Using Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Techniques
N Fujiwara, S Tsutsumi, S Iimura, S Matsuishi, H Hosono, Y Yamakawa, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (9), 097002, 2013
Crossing-line-node semimetals: General theory and application to rare-earth trihydrides
S Kobayashi, Y Yamakawa, A Yamakage, T Inohara, Y Okamoto, ...
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245208, 2017
Reproduction of experimental gap structure in LiFeAs based on orbital-spin fluctuation theory: -wave, -wave, and hole--wave states
T Saito, S Onari, Y Yamakawa, H Kontani, SV Borisenko, VB Zabolotnyy
Physical Review B 90 (3), 035104, 2014
Orbital fluctuation theory in iron-based superconductors: s++-wave superconductivity, structure transition, and impurity-induced nematic order
H Kontani, Y Inoue, T Saito, Y Yamakawa, S Onari
Solid State Communications 152 (8), 718-727, 2012
Large thermoelectric power factor at low temperatures in one-dimensional telluride Ta4SiTe4
T Inohara, Y Okamoto, Y Yamakawa, A Yamakage, K Takenaka
Applied Physics Letters 110 (18), 2017
論文 1–20