Department of Materials Physics, Nagoya University, Japan
確認したメール アドレス: mp.pse.nagoya-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Brownian simulations of a network of reptating primitive chains
Y Masubuchi, JI Takimoto, K Koyama, G Ianniruberto, G Marrucci, F Greco
The Journal of Chemical Physics 115 (9), 4387-4394, 2001
Overview of automotive structural composites technology developments in Japan
T Ishikawa, K Amaoka, Y Masubuchi, T Yamamoto, A Yamanaka, M Arai, ...
Composites Science and Technology 155, 221-246, 2018
Primitive chain network simulation of elongational flows of entangled linear chains: Stretch/orientation-induced reduction of monomeric friction
T Yaoita, T Isaki, Y Masubuchi, H Watanabe, G Ianniruberto, G Marrucci
Macromolecules 45 (6), 2773-2782, 2012
Effect of chain structure on the melt rheology of modified polypropylene
M Sugimoto, T Tanaka, Y Masubuchi, JI Takimoto, K Koyama
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 73 (8), 1493-1500, 1999
Multi-chain slip-spring model for entangled polymer dynamics
T Uneyama, Y Masubuchi
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (15), 2012
Entanglement molecular weight and frequency response of sliplink networks
Y Masubuchi, G Ianniruberto, F Greco, G Marrucci
The Journal of chemical physics 119 (13), 6925-6930, 2003
Simulating the flow of entangled polymers
Y Masubuchi
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 5 (1), 11-33, 2014
Melt rheology of polypropylene containing small amounts of high-molecular-weight chain. 2. Uniaxial and biaxial extensional flow
M Sugimoto, Y Masubuchi, J Takimoto, K Koyama
Macromolecules 34 (17), 6056-6063, 2001
Recovering the reptation dynamics of polymer melts in dissipative particle dynamics simulations via slip-springs
M Langeloth, Y Masubuchi, MC Böhm, F Müller-Plathe
The Journal of chemical physics 138 (10), 2013
Effective value of the dynamic dilution exponent in bidisperse linear polymers: From 1 to 4/3
E Van Ruymbeke, Y Masubuchi, H Watanabe
Macromolecules 45 (4), 2085-2098, 2012
Uniaxial elongational viscosity of PS/a small amount of UHMW-PS blends
A Minegishi, A Nishioka, T Takahashi, Y Masubuchi, J Takimoto, ...
Rheologica acta 40, 329-338, 2001
Quantitative comparison of primitive chain network simulations with literature data of linear viscoelasticity for polymer melts
Y Masubuchi, G Ianniruberto, F Greco, G Marrucci
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 149 (1-3), 87-92, 2008
Molecular simulations of the long-time behaviour of entangled polymeric liquids by the primitive chain network model
Y Masubuchi, G Ianniruberto, F Greco, G Marrucci
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 12 (3), S91, 2004
Periodic motion of large DNA molecules during steady field gel electrophoresis
H Oana, Y Masubuchi, M Matsumoto, M Doi, Y Matsuzawa, K Yoshikawa
Macromolecules 27 (21), 6061-6067, 1994
Primitive chain network simulation of elongational flows of entangled linear chains: Role of finite chain extensibility
T Yaoita, T Isaki, Y Masubuchi, H Watanabe, G Ianniruberto, G Marrucci
Macromolecules 44 (24), 9675-9682, 2011
Crystallization kinetics of polypropylene under high pressure and steady shear flow
K Watanabe, T Suzuki, Y Masubuchi, T Taniguchi, J Takimoto, K Koyama
Polymer 44 (19), 5843-5849, 2003
Miscibility of chitosan/poly (ethylene oxide) blends and effect of doping alkali and alkali earth metal ions on chitosan/PEO interaction
N Rakkapao, V Vao-soongnern, Y Masubuchi, H Watanabe
Polymer 52 (12), 2618-2627, 2011
Comparison among slip-link simulations of bidisperse linear polymer melts
Y Masubuchi, H Watanabe, G Ianniruberto, F Greco, G Marrucci
Macromolecules 41 (21), 8275-8280, 2008
Positive'andnegative'electro-rheological effect of liquid blends
H Kimura, K Aikawa, Y Masubuchi, J Takimoto, K Koyama, T Uemura
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 76 (1-3), 199-211, 1998
A reaction kinetics model of water sonolysis in the presence of a spin-trap
H Yanagida, Y Masubuchi, K Minagawa, T Ogata, J Takimoto, K Koyama
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 5 (4), 133-139, 1999
論文 1–20