Philippe Roux
Philippe Roux
ISTerre - Directeur de Recherche CNRS -
確認したメール アドレス: univ-grenoble-alpes.fr - ホームページ
Time-reversed acoustics
M Fink, D Cassereau, A Derode, C Prada, P Roux, M Tanter, JL Thomas, ...
Reports on progress in Physics 63 (12), 1933, 2000
Extracting time‐domain Green's function estimates from ambient seismic noise
KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysical research letters 32 (3), 2005
Surface wave tomography from microseisms in Southern California
KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (14), 2005
Robust acoustic time reversal with high-order multiple scattering
A Derode, P Roux, M Fink
Physical review letters 75 (23), 4206, 1995
Ambient noise cross correlation in free space: Theoretical approach
P Roux, KG Sabra, WA Kuperman, A Roux
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117, 79-84, 2004
A seismic metamaterial: The resonant metawedge
A Colombi, D Colquitt, P Roux, S Guenneau, RV Craster
Scientific reports 6 (1), 27717, 2016
Forests as a natural seismic metamaterial: Rayleigh wave bandgaps induced by local resonances
A Colombi, P Roux, S Guenneau, P Gueguen, RV Craster
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19238, 2016
P-waves from cross-correlation of seismic noise
P Roux, KG Sabra, P Gerstoft, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Extracting coherent wave fronts from acoustic ambient noise in the ocean
P Roux, WA Kuperman, NPAL group
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (4), 1995-2003, 2004
Stability of monitoring weak changes in multiply scattering media with ambient noise correlation: Laboratory experiments
C Hadziioannou, E Larose, O Coutant, P Roux, M Campillo
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (6), 3688-3695, 2009
Cross-correlation of random fields: mathematical approach and applications
P Gouedard, L Stehly, F Brenguier, M Campillo, YC De Verdière, ...
Seismic metasurfaces: Sub-wavelength resonators and Rayleigh wave interaction
DJ Colquitt, A Colombi, RV Craster, P Roux, SRL Guenneau
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 99, 379-393, 2017
Emergence rate of the time-domain Green’s function from the ambient noise cross-correlation function
KG Sabra, P Roux, WA Kuperman
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (6), 3524-3531, 2005
Retrieving the Green’s function in an open system by cross correlation: A comparison of approaches (L)
K Wapenaar, J Fokkema, R Snieder
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (5), 2783-2786, 2005
Estimation of the effect of nonisotropically distributed energy on the apparent arrival time in correlations
B Froment, M Campillo, P Roux, P Gouedard, A Verdel, RL Weaver
Geophysics 75 (5), SA85-SA93, 2010
Time-dependent coherent backscattering of acoustic waves
A Tourin, A Derode, P Roux, BA Van Tiggelen, M Fink
Physical review letters 79 (19), 3637, 1997
Arrival-time structure of the time-averaged ambient noise cross-correlation function in an oceanic waveguide
KG Sabra, P Roux, WA Kuperman
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117 (1), 164-174, 2005
Time reversal in a waveguide: Study of the temporal and spatial focusing
P Roux, M Fink
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (5), 2418-2429, 2000
Green’s functions extraction and surface-wave tomography from microseisms in southern California
P Gerstoft, KG Sabra, P Roux, WA Kuperman, MC Fehler
Near-surface study at the Valhall oil field from ambient noise surface wave tomography
A Mordret, M Landès, NM Shapiro, SC Singh, P Roux, OI Barkved
Geophysical Journal International 193 (3), 1627-1643, 2013
論文 1–20