Masashi Okada
Masashi Okada
確認したメール アドレス: jp.panasonic.com
Variational inference mpc for bayesian model-based reinforcement learning
M Okada, T Taniguchi
Conference on robot learning, 258-272, 2020
Dreaming: Model-based reinforcement learning by latent imagination without reconstruction
M Okada, T Taniguchi
2021 ieee international conference on robotics and automation (icra), 4209-4215, 2021
Path integral networks: End-to-end differentiable optimal control
M Okada, L Rigazio, T Aoshima
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09597, 2017
Planet of the bayesians: Reconsidering and improving deep planning network by incorporating bayesian inference
M Okada, N Kosaka, T Taniguchi
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Acceleration of gradient-based path integral method for efficient optimal and inverse optimal control
M Okada, T Taniguchi
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3013-3020, 2018
Representation Uncertainty in Self-Supervised Learning as Variational Inference
H Nakamura, M Okada, T Taniguchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11437, 2022
A ray tracing simulation of sound diffraction based on the analytic secondary source model
M Okada, T Onoye, W Kobayashi
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 20 (9), 2448-2460, 2012
DreamingV2: Reinforcement learning with discrete world models without reconstruction
M Okada, T Taniguchi
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Owens Luis—A context-aware multi-modal smart office chair in an ambient environment
K Kiyokawa, M Hatanaka, K Hosoda, M Okada, H Shigeta, Y Ishihara, ...
2012 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshops (VRW), 1-4, 2012
Domain-adversarial and-conditional state space model for imitation learning
R Okumura, M Okada, T Taniguchi
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Implementation of a smart office system in an ambient environment
H Shigeta, J Nakase, Y Tsunematsu, K Kiyokawa, M Hatanaka, K Hosoda, ...
2012 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshops (VRW), 1-2, 2012
Multi-view dreaming: Multi-view world model with contrastive learning
A Kinose, M Okada, R Okumura, T Taniguchi
Advanced Robotics 37 (19), 1212-1220, 2023
Multi-person pose tracking using sequential monte carlo with probabilistic neural pose predictor
M Okada, S Takenaka, T Taniguchi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10024 …, 2020
Panacea: Visual exploration system for analyzing trends in annual recruitment using time-varying graphs
TT Yokoyama, M Okada, T Taniguchi
Plos one 16 (3), e0247587, 2021
オーエンス・ルイス: アンビエント環境制御を用いた知的オフィスチェアの提案 (< 特集> アンビエントインテリジェンス技術とその応用)
清川清, 畠中理英, 細田一史, 岡田雅司, 繁田浩功, 石原靖哲, 大下福仁, ...
システム/制御/情報 56 (1), 14-20, 2012
Online Re-Planning and Adaptive Parameter Update for Multi-Agent Path Finding with Stochastic Travel Times
A Kita, N Suenari, M Okada, T Taniguchi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01489, 2023
Object tracking method and recording medium
M Okada, S Takenaka
US Patent 11,282,215, 2022
Control device and control method
M Okada
US Patent App. 15/877,288, 2018
Realization of secure ambient wireless network system based on spatially distributed ciphering function
M Okada, M Hatanaka, K Kagawa, S Miyamoto
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2013
Learning compliant stiffness by impedance control-aware task segmentation and multi-objective bayesian optimization with priors
M Okada, M Komatsu, R Okumura, T Taniguchi
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
論文 1–20