Zahra Nazari Khorasgani
Zahra Nazari Khorasgani
Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Pharmacy School, Dept. of Pharmaology & Toxicology
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Correlation between dietary zinc intakes and its serum levels with depression scales in young female students
R Amani, S Saeidi, Z Nazari, S Nematpour
Biological trace element research 137 (2), 150-158, 2010
The role of sodium cromolyn in treatment of paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rat
AA Hemmati, Z Nazari, ME Motlagh, S Goldasteh
Pharmacological research 46 (3), 229-234, 2002
A comparative study of grape seed extract and vitamin E effects on silica-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats
AA Hemmati, Z Nazari, M Samei
Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics 21 (4), 668-674, 2008
A review on gold nanoparticles aggregation and its applications
S Alizadeh, Z Nazari
J. Chem. Rev 2 (4), 228-242, 2020
From formulation of acrylamide-based hydrogels to their optimization for drug release using response surface methodology
F Sabbagh, II Muhamad, Z Nazari, P Mobini, SB Taraghdari
Materials Science and Engineering: C 92, 20-25, 2018
Synthesis of chitosan based magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for selective separation and spectrophotometric determination of histamine in tuna fish
M Hashemi, Z Nazari, N Noshirvani
Carbohydrate polymers 177, 306-314, 2017
Determination of Aflatoxin M1 Levels in Produced Pasteurized Milk in Ahvaz city by Using HPLC
ZN Khorasgani, A Behfar, Z Alemzadeh, M Goudarzi, R Ebrahimi, ...
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products 7 (2), 80-84, 2012
The Organochlorine Pesticides Residue Levels in Karun River Water
A Behfar, Z Nazari, MH Rabiee, G Raeesi, MR Oveisi, N Sadeghi, ...
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products 8 (1), 41-6, 2013
Association of mood disorders with serum zinc concentrations in adolescent female students
K Tahmasebi, R Amani, Z Nazari, K Ahmadi, S Moazzen, SA Mostafavi
Biological trace element research 178, 180-188, 2017
Lead Level in Umbilical Cord Blood and its Effects on Newborns Anthropometry
N Akbari-Nassaji, F Sabeti, T Ziaei kajbaf, L Fakharzadeh, Z Nazari, ...
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reseach 11 (6), SC01-SC04, 2017
Mechanical properties and swelling behavior of acrylamide hydrogels using montmorillonite and kaolinite as clays
F Sabbagh, NM Khatir, AK Karim, A Omidvar, Z Nazari, R Jaberi
J. Environ. Treat. Tech 7 (2), 211-219, 2019
Amphetamine, methamphetamine, morphine@ AuNPs kit based on PARAFAC
S Alizadeh, Z Nazari
Advanced Journal of Chemistry-Section A 5, 253-262, 2022
Comparison of the preventive effect of vitamin C and E on hexavalent chromium induced pulmonary fibrosis in rat
AA Hemmati, Z Nazari, N Ranjbari, A Torfi
Inflammopharmacology 16 (4), 195-197, 2008
AI-coherent data-driven forecasting model for a combined cycle power plant
MSS Danish, Z Nazari, T Senjyu
Energy Conversion and Management 286, 117063, 2023
HPLC determination of patulin in apple juice: a single center study of Southwest area of Iran.
A Jalali, ZN Khorasgani, M Goudarzi, N Khoshlesan
Investigation of acyclovir-loaded, acrylamide-based hydrogels for potential use as vaginal ring
F Sabbagh, II Muhamad, Z Nazari, P Mobini, NM Khatir
Materials Today Communications 16, 274-280, 2018
Distribution and health risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soils of the Aghili plain, Southwest Iran
S Jorfi, Z Atashi, R Akhbarizadeh, ZN Khorasgani, M Ahmadi
Environmental Earth Sciences 78 (20), 603, 2019
Effects of aspirin and celecoxib on rigidity in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.
HF Moghaddam, A Hemmati, Z Nazari, H Mehrab, KM Abid, MS Ardestani
Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBS 10 (21), 3853-3858, 2007
A molecularly imprinted polymer based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes for separation and spectrophotometric determination of L-cysteine
M Hashemi, Z Nazari, D Bigdelifam
Microchimica Acta 184, 2523-2532, 2017
Association between food additives and prevalence of allergic reactions in children: a systematic review
P Sadighara, M Safta, I Limam, K Ghanati, Z Nazari, M Karami, A Abedini
Reviews on Environmental Health 38 (1), 181-186, 2023
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Articles 1–20